Today I had enough energy to do the usual and then I took my truck to Jiffy Lube for overdo service. This brought up many questions which taxed my brain. Too many decisions on interferon runs one down. As strange as it seems, my trip to Jiffy Lube exhausted me. Should I spend the money on a truck with 70,000 miles or should I sell it and buy a new one. Yes the oil needs changing but do I need to change the transmission fluid and the fuel filter for $160.00? How much is true and how much is real and how much is up sell? I used to run a company with 50 people working for me and decisions were sound and they came fast. Now, decisions on tx are a challenge. Even something as mundane as Jiffy Lube is a challenge for me. The interferon is a window into what it will be like when I'm in my 80's, kind of an unwanted sneak preview. I can't wait to be finished but I still have so far to go. OK, go with the flow, it's only money, do the extras. I started to get chemo sick and I couldn't believe how long they took to do the work. I went home and was sick for 2 hours and then I ate dinner and bathed and I felt better. I don't know how people work a 40 hour week on this crap. All is well and bye for now.
The Lucci's, 1968
The filter was probably necessary, the transmission fluid change probably wasn't - I've been told that the transmission system is a 'closed system,' whatever that means - probably that it can't leak out?...if so why do they even sell/make replacement trans. fluid to sell on the secondary market? Such questions do not get easier for some people after treatment!
I have to agree.
My hubby knows a bit about cars. He grew up repairing diesel tranmissions and overhauling them with his father.
He's always adamant that the filters are changed with each oil change. And, apparently there are even varying degrees of quality in filters, and one should always use AC Delco. That's his thought, and in my world, his thought is the Bible on the matter as I know nothing about it to qualify. LOL.
My hubby has also told me the same regarding the transmission fluid. You shouldn't need to change it if it's working properly as it should.
As for whether or not to trade in the car at that mileage, I wouldn't know what to say. Does your warranty extend to 100,000?
Hi Marsha, the warranty ran out ages ago as I bought it in 1999. Thanks for the tip.
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