Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday, November 29th 203/336 Shot #30

Today I got up at 7:30 and got ready to see my scherring-Plough study doctor at Kaiser at 9:30. When I got there I asked my nurse if I could take my shot through the airport security. She quickly said, tell'em you got da hepsie and you'll be surprised at how quickly they get you on the airplane". Stupid me, I asked, "What's da hepsie?" She kept saying it and I still didn't understand. "Tell them you have Hep C and they won't even talk to you because they're afraid you'll give it to them". Oh, I get it, I got da hepsie, duh!

M and I have been together for going on 7 years. When we met, she was 24, and now she's almost 32. She has evolved into a woman over the years and now she's evolving into an analyst and guess who her patient is? yes, that's right, me! She is analyzing my 59 year old ass to death. So many questions about my childhood. I hated my parents, my father was an abusive, absentee alcoholic. My mother tried her best but she was a prescription drug addict who was a nurse in a practice with 3 surgeons. She was lacking in parenting skills to say the least. Add this too, they didn't like each other, and you come up a little short in childhood. So what do you want to know again?

When I went to the park today, a commercial came on the radio and it had a barking dog in it. My dog Billy went nuts looking for it, I almost crashed. Oh well, people should have their drivers license suspended when they're on this crap.

24 week test results

Viral Load=undectectable >30

All is well and bye for now

Sigmund Freud


magda said...

OMG, TL you are such a chicken hawk ;-)

My Other Blog said...

Can't you get a note from your dr. or nurse to fly with your Pen? Well, keep it with the box with the prescription label on it and take a little 'cool pack' to keep it cold. Did you get an insulated travel bag from S-P? If my latest experience with the TSA is any indication of how well they search people's carry on bags, no one will even look at yours.

Laurie said...

I'm not sure yet what the rest of it means but the
"Viral Load=undectectable >30"
sounds totally awesome to me!!!
Good for You!!

U.C. is right...put it in your bag and unless they zone in on you they won't even find it.

Last time I flew a few months ago I wore a pair of cargo pants and forgot to take a lighter out of the pocket on my leg, I walked right through. - not enough metal in a Bic to set off a metal detector.

I wonder what Diabetic's do with insulin? They must have to carry it on and it's in a syringe or a pen.

Have a safe and comfortable trip. See Ya Sunday!

Me said...

Have a good trip! I hope all goes well for you.