Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Post TX-week 3 Tuesday

Well, I'm starting to recover from my 10 mile bike ride. I need to remember that I'm another year older and during that year, I did nothing much in the way of exercise. I've still been taking long brisk walks and I feel incredible. I've started to paint again and I'm happy with what's being done. Spring 09, it's back into Sac State to finish my degree in art studio.

I might go to Oregon to work for Obama, He's turning out to be such a wimp. The Clinton's are the devil incarnate, so unbelievably evil. I'm totally losing interest in the democratic party as it is going to hell in a hand basket. Ok, enough already.

I booked an overnight visit to Oklahoma to check on my project there. I'm out 6/3 and back 6/5, just a quickie. I booked on Express Air as it has the only direct flight to OKC from NorCal. I hope that they are still in business by the time June rolls around.

I wanted to hit Thailand this summer but the free tickets are all gone and they jacked up the fairs 40% for the summer rush, so, no Thailand this year.

M and I are taking the fall semester off school and we are going to Dubai & India for the month of October. We come home for 2 weeks and then we hit the road for a month in Patagonia, Argentina, Chile and Peru. We hope to do a 3rd trip after christmas, before school starts.

Tomorrow, I'm off to SF for 3 days for non stop socializing and then home Friday afternoon as my daughter and my grand children are coming on Saturday.

I feel like a new man and all is well and bye for now.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Post TX-week 3 Saturday

I got home from NYC Thursday evening and M and Billy picked me up and off we went. I am so proud that I kept my promise to not step foot in a taxi cab while in NYC. The cost to take the subway and the bus to La Guardia is $2 and it took 45 minutes.

Yesterday, I got on the bike and rode along the river for 10 miles. My breathing was comfortable but my legs were quite sore. I guess that's to be expected when one doesn't do it for a year. Today, I'm physically tired but it's ok as it's from the exercise. I might do it again tomorrow.

We're thinking about selling our 2 cars and buying a Prius as it MPG is in the 40's. This is easier said than done. My 2001 500SL has a Kelley Blue book value as follows, Retail 29K, Pvt party 25K, trade in 22k. So I take my sorry ass over to CAR MAX and they offer me 13K. Although I was sitting in the buyers office, I said, "get out of my office!" There is so much financial distress in our area that the CAR MAXIMUM Ripoffs are only interested in doing business with people who need the money yesterday. I put an ad in the Sacramento Bee and we'll see what happens.

I am totally disgusted with the democratic party and particularly the Clintons, what a couple of sleaze balls! I'm one heart beat away from voting for McCain in November. I feel that the demos have shown themselves to be the intrinsic racists they have always denied being. Enough already!

All is well and by for now

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post TX-week 2 Wednesday

Live from NYC. Monday Morning I took the train back to NYC and went to the 10:00 showing of the Rolling Stones "Shine the Light" at the IMAX theater. What a great way to start the day. Next, shopping for a present for M for taking such good csre of me while I was sick. That evening I went to the Candle Cafe and was once again disappointed as the food was mediocre and they had raised the prices once again. While walking down the street, I was run out of my lane by an oncoming pedestrian and I was then run over by a lady in a wheel chair and she almost fell over. She yelled at me, "you walk to slow!" "Oh yeah, well I don't have a motor like you." I gave her a hug and we both laughed. Back to the hotel and beddy bye.

Tuesday I woke and did Starbucks and then took the subway uptown for a supercut. Thank goodness short hair in men has become all the rage. I took the subway back to Hertz on 34th Street and picked up a car. "We're sorry, we don't have any cars with never lost" "OK, that's fine, I want to buy the tank of gas." "Is it Ok if the tank is 3/8's full?" "That kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?" They then gave me a Kia. I'm all over the road with that thing because it's top heavy and I never look where I'm going anyway. I arrived in Hazelton, PA and went to the Road's End Pub and talked with my friend Jimmy for a couple of hours. Laurie is holding up well on her treatment but she's having the same hard time with it that most of us do. She's very brave and she continues to work through it. Having been there, I can look at her and know how crappy she feels.

The party was a blast and the newspaper came and we were on TV. I really enjoyed meeting the Obama people and they had made 10,000 phone calls in the county. Hazelton, went for Hillary 3-1. They were disappointed but I saw things differently. There is and under current of predjudice in the area, I'm notsure the guilty one's are the way they are except that I can attribute it to ignorance. I'm comvinced that it will be a long time before a black can carry that state.

The NY Times wrote a scathing front page article this morning calling Hilary the loser in Pennsylvania as her negativity took her spread from 20% to 10% in just 6 weeks. They as much as demanded that she stop it immeadiately as Barack seems to have endless cash and her campaign is broke. They accused her of the same divisve behavior that characterized her husband's presidency. The article really shot her between the eyes as they had previously endorsed her.

After the party, Jimmy took me for a drink with the mayor who's running for congress. We came home and I went to bed at 12:30 and awoke at 6:00 as fresh as a button. Jimmy took me on a motor tour of the area and it was really interesting to see the county. I drove back to NYC and took the wrong road into NYC. I ended up going accross the George Washington Bridge and getting into town at west 178th Street. Now I know what they mean when they say that you can't get off the New Jersey Turnpike, you really can't. I had to get the car back to W34th street and that was quite an adventure. It seems like the cabs play chicken with the regular cars. Well, not with me, honk, move over asshole. I'm surpised no one died. I got the car back in time and then took the subway to 59th street Kinko's to print my boarding pass. The phone rings, "Mr Lee, you have our keys" I took the subway back to 34th street and gave them the keys. I had 2 pieces of pizza for Breakfast and lunch and then I went and checked in my hotel off for a walk and next I'll go home and go to bed. I'm tired but it's a good tired, I like it, it's nothing remotely similar to the chemo fatigue. It makes me feel good to be human again.

Tommorrow I fly home to Sacto to be with my honey and my dog. This trip was a blast!
Many thanks to Jimmy and Laurie for showing me such a nice time.

All is well and bye for now

The Road's Grill, Hazelton, PA........Note the Blues brothers statues

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Post TX-week 2 Sunday

It's so good to be alive again, it's hard to imagine how sick I was until I'm able to look back on it. I feel great and I'm about 90% recovered. I get about 6 mild reminders of where I have been but it's easy and no big deal.

On Friday, I flew to Chicago, got off the plane and walked on the next one and off to NYC we went. I stayed at the La Guardia Marriot an watched a movie and went to sleep. Saturday morning, I had room service breakfast and went back to bed until 10:30. I put on my subway clothes and took the M60 bus to 125th & Lex and then hopped on the subway and got off @ 59th Street. On the M60 part of the ride, I had a conversation with some young adults who were trying to rent a car. I mentioned in passing that they would need a drivers license and they were very surprised. Really? Yes really, no kidding. They thanked me and went on their way. At 59th street I realized that I had popped up in the middle of the pope's visit to Saint Patrick's. The whole town was shut down and the security was unbelievable. Hellicopters, snipers and 4 loaded dump trucks blocking every cross town intersection. I finally saw the pope drive by in the pope mobile. I must say it was very exciting to watch all the people and experience the event.

I next went to the subway and went to Soho and walked around. I went to lazaro Jewelers but noting caught my eye. I went to a bar to use the restroom and they said it was for customers only. OK, here's $5.00. When I came out he had given me a soda water and I decided to stay and read my book for an hour. Next, I took the subway to Penn station and then off to Chatham. NJ to visit my brother, my sisinL and my neice and nephew, Andrew and Hanna. We went to dinnr and then we sat on the porch and talked and then went to bed.

Today we went to Stabuck's and then we came home and read the NY Times. Off to dinner and then home. Tomorrow I'm back in Manhattan and then Tuesday, I rent a car and I drive to Laurie and Jimmy's for our "Drinks on Obama" day at their pub called the End of the Road Grill.

I drive back to NYC on Wednesday and then I fly back to Sacto on Thursday. My goal this trip is to never take a cab and so far it's working well. I feel like I'm a new man living a new life.

All is well and by for now

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Post TX-More week one-Wednesday

I'm so happy to be alive again! This morning when I awoke, I was frightened. This is not an emotion I'm familiar with, I've been scared but never frightened. The thought of where I have been and what it was like is eerie. Talk about being out of life, almost dead, I am experiencing what those who come out of a coma must feel. Where was I?

Ok, enough of that, I'm back, I feel about 80% recovered and I have a wonderful life to live with M and Billy. People ask what are going to do now? They should be asking, what are you not going to do? I'm looking forward to my trip back East and after that I have several options I'm kicking around. Oregon to work for Obama, Chrissy and JB's wedding in England, TVB visit in Thailand? India for sure in October, Save the children? maybe, who knows. I really like this retirement gig, I get paid for not working. Guilty, hell no, I worked very hard so i could do this.

Off to Pennsylvia for "Drinks on Obama" The world is mine again

Trust in Clinton Erodes

Posted: 2008-04-16 14:52:20
Filed Under: Elections News, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
(April 16) - As Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama battle to win support in Pennsylvania ahead of the state's April 22 primary, a new ABC/Washington Post poll shows Clinton has lost trust among voters. Clinton is deemed "honest and trustworthy" by 39 percent of Americans, the poll shows. That's down from 52 percent in May 2006. Among Democrats, she trails Obama by 23 points as the more honest candidate.

My newest grand child

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Post TX-Week One

I felt better the next day, by day 2, I was 60% better and now I’M about 75% better. I can breathe a lot better and the brain fog is almost gone and I’m not so tired. The mental illness is gone and cuckoo Terry has left the building.

I have booked a flight to NYC, leaving next Friday, April 18th and returning on the 24th.

Laurie(Hepsie) & Jimmy, own a large pub in Hazelton, PA. I mentioned to Jimmy that I would like to sponsor “Drinks on Obama” on election day. He grabbed it and ran with it and the O’bama people are so thrilled that they are having their post election party there. There will be $500.00 worth of drinks served and all are welcome, Hilary people, McCain people and of course, the Obama people. Here’s to Barack, fighting the good fight!

And so, I will be there as an army of one, invading Pennsylvania and doing all I can for the cause and to enjoy the festivities at Roads End Grill. Next stop, North Carolina?

Go Bama!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Thursday, April 10th 336/336

From my post on day one of tx

I woke up this morning and felt like a condemned man going to the gallows. My thoughts raced about whether I was doing the right thing at the tender age of 59. How bad will the next year be? What will become of the relationship I have with my girlfriend Magda? How much damage will the treatments do to my body? How much longer am I going to live and is it worth sacrificing a year to maybe be cured. All these thoughts and more.

Today is 336 of 336 days, and so My Hep C Adventure ends as it started after a year of living in a fog. It’s really nice to wake up and not have to ingest rat poison every morning and night.

Was it bad?

Yes it was, not horrible, but I’m pretty beat up both mentally and physically. I can say that it's the hardest thing I ever had to do. It has taught me humility.

Did I do the right thing?

Check back in 6 months.

What will become of the relationship I have with my girlfriend Magda?

We had a hard time but she was a trouper and we are a stronger couple for having survived it. Three fights in 11 months aren’t too bad considering that I was insane a good part of the time.

How much damage will the treatments do to my body?

I have been fortunate in that I never had a headache, joint ache or muscle ache. I had occasional chills and extreme fatigue. My mental sides were fairly severe and only time will tell if I can concentrate and get back to my old self. I hope some hair grows back.

How much longer am I going to live and is it worth sacrificing a year to maybe get cured.

Again, check back in 6 months.

All these thoughts and more.

At the start, I promised myself I would post to my blog every day and I have kept my word, I have had nearly 13,000 page loads. As time goes by I will post now and then and try to move back into a normal existence. In the course of the past year I have had 48 interferon injections and I have taken 4522 pills.

My deepest thanks to all who have been there for me, Jenna, Uncertain, Starwitch, Laurie and Jimmy, Marsha, Jonathan, Gretchen, TVB, Chrissy, JB, Ross, Ron Metcalf, Jimmy Smith, David, Ann, Mike, Jessie, Tweedle, Masako, Pete, Denise, Ainslee, Allison, Patsy, Lamisse, Christina, Millicent, Patricia C, Sally, all on the Hep C Nomads Forum (http://hepcforum.co.uk) and the many others who have read and commented both in person and anonymously over the last year. And of course, all of my love to my life partner who’s patience and care and love have made My Hep C Adventure possible.

I’m off to live my life again; all is well and bye for now.

And adios to Hilary!

Wednesday, April 9th 335/336

So tonight it ends after I take my last 3 Ribavirins. Tomorrow I go to the doc for the end of treatment exam and my 48 week bloods. I will return to them again in 30, 90 & 180 days to see that I’m cured. My fingers are crossed and I have responded well and I have given it all I have, some days more, I can walk away with my head held high.

This last day will not be one that I want to embrace, I’ll respect it and I will know that I have slain the dragon. The treatment is a life changing event that shows you what you’re made of. There have been days when it has brought me to my knees. There have been days that I have cried and there have been days where I thought dying might be the best option. And now it ends, tomorrow is a new day in a new life.

All is well and bye for now

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tuesday, April 8th 334/336

The maids came early and rousted me at 10:30 so off Billy and I went to Starbuck’s and then to the walk to the river. After that we went shopping for groceries and then we came home.

I also got my tax return and I was very pleased. I owe the feds an extra $1500.00, California owes me $4,000. and I owe Oklahoma $3,400.00. So all in all, I came up $900.00 short.

M is back to school and I am very happy to see the end of this tx. Tommorrow is my last day taking the meds.

All is well and bye for now

Monday, April 07, 2008

Monday, April 7th 333/336

We decided last night to drive home from SF at 8:00 PM. I had a late dinner and I was only able to take my Ribas at 7:45. This is always a disaster as I could get to sleep until 2:00am even after taking 2 sleeping pills.

When we got home, Billy went nuts and ran up and down the block to tell all of his dog friends that he was home. Hey George, I’m back, Hey Joey, it’s me. Hi Star, I’m home! He was so happy as was M.

Today, I didn’t get up until 10:00 and then it was frappachino and the walk to the river.

I finish tx Wednesday night and it has been a very long haul. Was it worth it? Maybe. If the dragon comes back will I do this again? No way!

All is well and bye for now

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sunday, April 6th 332/336

Today I got rousted out of bed at 8:00 this morning and we went to the walk to Golden Gate Bridge and back and then off to breakfast. Too many days of getting up too early made me so tired I actually wanted to cry.

Now, for the highlight of the week. M and I took my 1999 Ford Ranger pick up truck and we motored over to the Getty’s like a couple of hicks going to see Obama at the Getty’s soiree. I told M that if Warren Buffet could drive a pickup truck, then so could I. When we got there, security wasn’t all that tight and I picked up my nametag. At this point an interesting thing happened, M’s tag read “Lee Wife”. That went over big.

The source of the Getty’s wealth is that they inherited the Getty oil fortune. Getty oil was broken up in the 30's into six different Standard Oil companies, I guess what I’m trying to say is, these people ain’t poor. Their house is actually 2 houses, joined together and modeled after a Venetian palazzo. It is at least 20,000 square feet and incredibly ostentatious. The parlor was totally covered in Monet and Pisarro oil paintings along with many other artists of equal status.

So here comes Obama. He looks and talks as cool as he his youthful image allows. This guy is going to be very hard to beat in November. He pretty much said that he had the nomination wrapped up as follows. He has won twice as many states as Hillary; He has an insurmountable delegate lead. He said that the worst case is that they split the balance of the votes. The real kicker is that since the California primary, he has picked up 72 super delegates and Hilary has lost 5. It’s pretty much do the math and he promises to have it done and the party reunited by June 3rd.

One thing that really impressed me about his oratory is that he said he wasn’t running for ego, he was running for the work that needs to be done.

On the way out, I passed a black San Francisco policeman and I said, That man is really cool, he smiled at me with a sense of pride that I haven’t seen in a long time, it was that hope that Obama keeps talking about. M and I were very pleased to be able to experience this event.

All is well and bye for now…Go Bama!

Photo by M

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Saturday, April 5th 331/336

This morning I got rousted up at 8:00 and off to Peet's we went to meet up with David and Jimmy. We then went to Tibouron to the New Morning Cafe for breakfast and then off to Rodeo Beach for a long hike. So long that I came home and slept for 4 hours. Some people can't sleep on this crap, I sleep too much.

Tonight, it's off to Saha for dinner with Ann, David, Jimmy, me & M, and the other Magda and her BF Michael. Dinner was fun and a good time was had by all.

All is well and bye for now

Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday, April 4th 330/336

Today M and I drove to SF and it was kind of a fiasco. Shot 48 has really decided to start acting up and I was driving poorly and about to fall asleep so M took over. She has bad allergies and then a panic attack and I guess you can figure out what happened.

We both got in bed as soon as we arrived and argued over who was the sicker one. In a contest, interferon always trumps allergies and panic attacks. M is now referring to herself as my chauffer.

All is well and bye for now

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thursday, April 3rd 329/336

The shot and my allergies kicked my ass. I couldn’t get out of bed until noon. Starbuck’s, the park and then home. I’m correcting all of M’s school papers and she is doing quite well. I’m particularly impressed with her paper on flirting, it’s hilarious.

I’m so relieved that I don’t have to do any more shots and next Wednesday is my last day taking pills. My mental attitude has improved and I feel like I’m done even though I’m still sick as a dog and tired. Tomorrow it’s off to SF till Monday and we get to go to Ann and Gordon Getty’s house to meet Obama on Sunday.

All is well and bye for now

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wednesday, April 2nd 328/336 Shot #48

I couldn’t resist, shot #48 is history. 7 more days of Ribavirin and then it’s done. They say the interferon stays in my system for another 9 or 10 days and then it goes and with it goes my mental illness, I hope. As I’ve said before, this crap really plays with your mind. The Ribavirin stays in the system for about 6 weeks. When it’s gone, my blood counts will elevate and I should be able to breathe and live a normal life. If you’re a Hepsie, don’t do this treatment unless you must, as it adds up to a year in the fog. There are times when you think it will never end and you really get sick and tired, I mean tired like you can’t imagine. Thinking and talking are a hurculean effort. Ok, enough whining, I cleared at 7 weeks and my chances for a permanent cure are quite good, I think around 75%, I hope so and I’m thankful that I didn’t have to go 72 weeks.

All is well and bye for now

Me before I started treatment

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fools day, April 1st 327/336

As predicted, Tuesday is turning out to be a good day. Up at 10:00, Starbuck’s, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Ace Hardware, dog to the park etc.

Happy April fool’s day to all on tx, we are indeed all fools, just kidding. M has decided to take some of the summer of so we can take a trip somewhere before we head off to India. All we need is someone to watch Billy. We’re trying to bring TVB back from Thailand but he is playing hard to get…Again.

As for the shot, my step-sister Sandra settled it for me, when all else fails, follow the directions, thank you Sandra Kay, Thursday it is.

All is well and bye for now