This last day will not be one that I want to embrace, I’ll respect it and I will know that I have slain the dragon. The treatment is a life changing event that shows you what you’re made of. There have been days when it has brought me to my knees. There have been days that I have cried and there have been days where I thought dying might be the best option. And now it ends, tomorrow is a new day in a new life.
All is well and bye for now

Tery well done for reaching the end of this journey in one piece... I hope you get the results that we all seek... my regards and respect to you... jb
Hi Terry
BIG Congratulations to you achieving the end of the treatment journey. It has been a tough slog at times but you've stuck with it.
And I wish you well in the outcome - you deserve PCR.
Congratulations Terry, this was a hard treatment for you and you did splendid. You deserve a gold star : )
Congratulations Dad. It's all done. I am so happy. Lets make plans to celebrate.
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