I might go to Oregon to work for Obama, He's turning out to be such a wimp. The Clinton's are the devil incarnate, so unbelievably evil. I'm totally losing interest in the democratic party as it is going to hell in a hand basket. Ok, enough already.
I booked an overnight visit to Oklahoma to check on my project there. I'm out 6/3 and back 6/5, just a quickie. I booked on Express Air as it has the only direct flight to OKC from NorCal. I hope that they are still in business by the time June rolls around.
I wanted to hit Thailand this summer but the free tickets are all gone and they jacked up the fairs 40% for the summer rush, so, no Thailand this year.
M and I are taking the fall semester off school and we are going to Dubai & India for the month of October. We come home for 2 weeks and then we hit the road for a month in Patagonia, Argentina, Chile and Peru. We hope to do a 3rd trip after christmas, before school starts.
Tomorrow, I'm off to SF for 3 days for non stop socializing and then home Friday afternoon as my daughter and my grand children are coming on Saturday.
I feel like a new man and all is well and bye for now.

Terry, I can't believe you were in NY and you did not call me. How come? You have to come up with a good reason in order for me to forgive you.
I wanted to but I was a moving target, Manhattan, New Jersey & Pennsylvania, all in 5 days. I read your blog and it mentioned that you were working 12 hour days and doing reports until 1 and I figured that you were very busy so I thought it best not to bother you. It's not that I didn't want to. When I/we come again I promise we'll have lunch or dinner. Flowers?
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