Ok, enough of that, I'm back, I feel about 80% recovered and I have a wonderful life to live with M and Billy. People ask what are going to do now? They should be asking, what are you not going to do? I'm looking forward to my trip back East and after that I have several options I'm kicking around. Oregon to work for Obama, Chrissy and JB's wedding in England, TVB visit in Thailand? India for sure in October, Save the children? maybe, who knows. I really like this retirement gig, I get paid for not working. Guilty, hell no, I worked very hard so i could do this.
Off to Pennsylvia for "Drinks on Obama" The world is mine again
Trust in Clinton Erodes
Posted: 2008-04-16 14:52:20
Filed Under: Elections News, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
(April 16) - As Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama battle to win support in Pennsylvania ahead of the state's April 22 primary, a new ABC/Washington Post poll shows Clinton has lost trust among voters. Clinton is deemed "honest and trustworthy" by 39 percent of Americans, the poll shows. That's down from 52 percent in May 2006. Among Democrats, she trails Obama by 23 points as the more honest candidate.
My newest grand child

my vote is for you to attend the jb/chrissy wedding. when else are you going to get to meet us all. would so love to meet you.
love star
Oh What A Beautiful Grandbaby!! You must be sooo proud! :)
I think you should do it all if at all possible! You've come a long way and you've earned it!
Take care my friend!
It would be nice to see you here..... but what ever you do it sounds like recovery is going well... I remember my post TX ... it was almost like an anti-climax.... is that it..? An emptiness.... soon to be filled again.... are you taking any kind of supplement to help your physical back to peak condition?
What a cute baby!
Are you going back to school?
If you get down to Oklahoma to see or check on your property give Ron and I a shout. We wouldn't be too far to meet up.
UC, I'll go back next spring after We travel foe awhile. India for a month in October and who knows whereelse.
Marsha, no OKC this round
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