I couldn’t resist, shot #48 is history. 7 more days of Ribavirin and then it’s done. They say the interferon stays in my system for another 9 or 10 days and then it goes and with it goes my mental illness, I hope. As I’ve said before, this crap really plays with your mind. The Ribavirin stays in the system for about 6 weeks. When it’s gone, my blood counts will elevate and I should be able to breathe and live a normal life. If you’re a Hepsie, don’t do this treatment unless you must, as it adds up to a year in the fog. There are times when you think it will never end and you really get sick and tired, I mean tired like you can’t imagine. Thinking and talking are a hurculean effort. Ok, enough whining, I cleared at 7 weeks and my chances for a permanent cure are quite good, I think around 75%, I hope so and I’m thankful that I didn’t have to go 72 weeks.
All is well and bye for now
Me before I started treatment
Congratulations! Well done, well endured!
You'll have to keep us updated on how your mental clarity and such goes as you come out from under.
Tweedle.............nice picture and you have hair! when was it taken 1985?
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