TX has taught me a lot, overall I view it as a positive experience. I'm stronger and I've learned compassion and humility, a year on this poison changes you forever. When I first started, I told M that I thought I would never be the same after this experience, little did I know the the majority of the changes would be for the better. I have an attitude of gratitude and I'm very happy to have met M, we have grown very close through all this. As positive as I am, it ain't been all that easy. The hardest part has been not being able to paint and draw as my concentration is shot and not being able to exercise and feeling tired and weak all of the time. I'm way into it but I have a long road ahead of me. 15 years sober, one day at a time and "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger" works for me. All is well and bye for now.
This is the child I'm sponsoring through "Save the Children". Marilene Orelus of Haiti, age 6.

how is billy? so worried about him.
I am so glad that you are feeling better today than yesterday. I can tell you and M are closer than ever but just seeing you two! Will stop by this week for sure!
What a beautiful little girl, your sponsorship will make a real difference in her life. You can't get through this treatment without changing. I actually feel happier now than I was before, having made it through that and all the other crap going on in my life. I laugh easier, & look for the positive instead of the negative in things.
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