Although all central Oregon communities have undergone rapid changes, none has been more profoundly affected by the new times than the tiny ranching town of Antelope. In June 1981, followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh purchased the 64,000 acre Big Muddy Ranch near Antelope for $5.7 million, establishing a community they called Rashneeshpuram. The Rashneeshees, as they were known, gained control of the Antelope City Council in 1984 and changed the name of Antelope to Rashneesh. In August 1984, the sect began bussing homeless people from other U.S. cities to Rashneeshpuram, and registering them as Wasco County voters. After a series of bizarre incidents including an alleged attempt to poison residents of The Dalles, the Bhagwan and some of his followers fled to North Carolina. There he was arrested on charges of immigration fraud and was brought back to Oregon for trial. He was convicted, fined $400,000, and deported from the United States. The faithful accompanied the Bhagwan back to Pune, India, the homeless drifted away, the ranch was sold to new owners, and life eventually returned to normal in Antelope, which got its old name back in 1986.
Many of them now live at Harbin Hot Springs, about 200 of them. A motley crew totally detached from any concrete reality.
All is well and bye for now.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

the hot spring is addictive. Just to spend a night there gave me very hard to time caming back to the reality.
Such strange place, but love it.
I want to talk a bit more in details about Osho in this letter so that we can see some new facts which are mostly untold. A really awakened person will always be behaved like a criminal by Ruler and Governments at his time. It is very essential symptom of a Budha. All the world political system is anti-God. It will be misunderstanding to say that there is democracy anywhere in the world yet. There are subtle dictatorships everywhere which change after every 4-5 years and democracy is just a name used for mobcracy. Exploit the sentiments of masses and rule. This is the rule of all the politicians. All justice systems are political influenced. Our approach towards Osho is not un-prejudiced. Will you belive in the stories spread by the Office of the Attorney General of Athenes to know why Socrates was poisoned.
If you really go and see the files at that time you will see that those people were behaved like criminals and full convincing list of crimes were prepared against them to make an impressive case to justify the punishment. In case of Osho our approach is totally biased . There was a list of 35 crimes prepared against Osho. No cases could be proved and only 2 cases based upon which Osho was deported were related to immigration. I came across a news story sometime back when in US a newspaper published a story attaching bioterrorism and murder cases with Osho name. The newspaper was sued by Osho Foudation New York and case was won by the Foundation as no such case was ever proved again him in any court in US.
Osho is the most misunderstood person in this world today as it should be the case with a man of truth. He told truth as it is. This is for the first time that religion has reached from East to the West. This is for the first time that truth has been expressed in English as purely as 24 Karat Gold. Upto now all religions in the west were just work of translations and 2nd hand. Words of truth can never be translated because the spirit of truth is left behind in the original language and only words are carried forward. Words without the spirit are just dead. When Jesus’s words were translated from Aramaic to Hebrew much spirit was lost. When from Hebrew it went to Greek, more loss. And when ultimately it went to English, it became far difficult to taste the original spirit of Jesus. Same happened with all other translations. It is very difficult to express truth in English as it is originally a language of science and mind. Osho developed ‘Osho English’ which is very close to English. Osho shook whole of the world. He was one man versus whole of the world governments. When he was in India, whole of the Indian government was against him . He exposed MurarJi Desai of his cunningness. He was banned from purchasing any land in India so that he can not set up any commune there and invite more people around him. Persons around him were tasting of something which was beyond any expression. His energy field was so strong that just sitting in his presence was more than enough to experience divine. He talked on almost all the awakened persons on the earth ever happened. His words are so authentic and full of juice of truth . Osho was the most silent person in all over the world sitting 24 hours with closed eyes in his room. He used to come out only for morning or evening discourse for about an hour. But still his presence disturbed whole of the world. All religious philosophies created by Pundits ,scholars,educationists lost any base in front of him. Exploitation of the humanity by Priests and Politicians were exposed like a day light. So naturally Politicians and Priests of all over the world were scared of his presence in their territory. People were singing,dancing and living a joyous life in his presence without any reason. This haunted the ego of all the political leaders. No Politial leader or Priest want anybody living a joyous life without their own blessing. These people want humanity to be miserable. It is only misery which drive people to the priests otherwise nobody will care about them. Osho reminded every person on earth that each person has his Kingdom beneath his own feet and very easy to seek it. He gave the persons around him the taste of this Kingdom. The person who loved Osho saw Budha,Krishna,Nanak,Jesus looking at them from his eyes. Osho traveled to almost all over India . He spent most of his life in train traveling to every remote place of India. His body was almost exhausted and was caught by Asthma during this travel of 30 years continuously. Polluted environment of India was not going to help him to remain in body for much long and the seekers of America and Other western countries started urging him to move to America for a short time in a suitable climate. A 64000 acre of desert Muddy Ranch in Oregon which was on sale for years and nobody was ready to purchase was considered a suitable place by the people who invited him. But this was a desert with no greenery, no birds, no lakes ,no road and nearby place was 21 miles away of a very small population. But within 2 years this land was converted to an oasis by celebrating,singing,dancing and meditating people. It was converted to an unique city named ‘Rajneeshpuram’ with its own buses and its own airport and a self dependent city from every respect. This was the only city in west which was totally vegetarian. There was a common kitchen for each 5000 people. Vegetarian dishes from all over the world were part of the kitchen and new vegetarian recipes were being developed continuously for a taste transition of non-vegetarian to vegetarian. There were meditation menus prepared for every day and season. New meditations techniques were discovered according to the new people’s mind lever. Soon this became a capital of spiritual world and people from all over the world started coming. All educated cream of the world gathered there. His own physician was member of Royal society of Physics and all the best musicians, singers, dancers, pets, artists, painters, craftmen, scientists from all over the world were attracted towards this place. Average education level of that city became double of any other place of the world. During all the period Osho was in silence as he stopped speaking some years before traveling to America. His message was silence and up to that time people gathered around him became capable enough to listen to him in silence and be nourished by his mere presence. He completely destroyed the Prophet or belief system in religion. He clearly described that each human being is fully responsible for himself and no Guru or Prophet can do anything for anybody if the person is merely following a religious belief system or rituals. The person should have real thirst and should start exploring religion as an inner science. He exposed fundamental strategies of the Govt Administration at that time. Books of Darwin were being burnt from the libraries as it was against Bible. Schools were going to be targeted by fundamentalists in the administration under the name of Religious Funds. Within a short period of 1981-1985 Rajneeshpuram invoked the attention of the whole world and became a second home of World Press. This happy, joyful and celebrating city became the comparison factor for whole of the miserable world. Priests and Politicians started facing a big Question Mark about themselves and became jealous and their sleep got disturbed forever. Then started the strategy to spread negative propaganda about the commune. Rajneespuram was not disturbed by the world but World was disturbed by this one small city. Now it is world famous saying that you see what you want to see. If a botanist, a poet,a shopkeeper and a thief go to a garden then a botanist will see the plants and think about their life system,a poet will see the beauty of the garden and start fantasying his poem, a shopkeeper will start thinking about the fruits and market values and a thief will start thinking about the best thing to steal and best route and time to steal. Same way different people of different psychological background spread different rumors. A materialistic person saw just Rolls Royaces in the Rajneespuram. A sexually repressed person saw only women and attached the rumors of sexual orgies and so on. It is not surprising that Osho is mostly known as Rolls Royace man in America and as a Sex Guru in India. There are about 600 books in 54 languages in Osho’s name. His only one book on sex ‘From Sex to Super Conciousness’ attracted the world attention more than any other book. But he spoke courageously almost on every aspect of life directly without any hesitation. But wherever there are flowers there are thorns. Wherever there are Budhas or awakened ones ,there are always ‘Judases’ created around them. Sheela’s husband was dying with cancer in a short period of months. That is why he turned to a seeker and reached Pune in India. He was a sincere seeker but his wife Sheela was an outwardly person and no interest in seeking. So when his husband was meditating ,she was more oriented towards administrative works. So accordingly she raised herself to a secretary of administrative affairs of the commune in Rajneeshuram. A Budha is never suspicious and never rejects anybody from anywhere. His compassion and love and innocence is always unconditional. Withing 5 years in commune at Rajneespuram as secretary ,about billions of Dollars flew through the Sheela’s hands and she just started behaving like a queen. Greed of money and power made her blind. She started behaving like a dictator. As Osho was in silence and only 3 others persons (His Personal physician,dentist and a caretaker) was having physical access to Osho. Sheels tried to poison all of them so that her activities can never be exposed. She created hostility with neighbors to remain in power. When somehow news reached to Osho ,He broke his silence and started speaking and Sheels alongwith her gang of 20 ran away to other countries with huge money. All these activies of Sheela were exposed by Osho himself to the Presss for the first time which are alrealy documented in his books. But this was a great excuse for Politicians and Priests. Horrible words of ‘bioterrorism’,’murderer’,’sex’ etc were associated with his name and propaganda done all over the world. Sheela’a crimes were made Osho’s crimes. List of 35 crimes was prepared under his names. He was arrested without any warrant and was forced from one prison to another for 12 days. He was made to sign under the false name of ‘David Washington’ and was made to enter the prison from back door. When he wrote his name in Hindi along with his world famous signature, this conspiracy to eliminate him was failed. Osho’s body was exposed to radioactive and slow poison ‘thallium’ was given in his bread in jails in such doses so that no trace of proof can be left in his body. When none of the crimes could be proved, His attorney was blackmailed to accept two easy crimes, which were just immigration issues. Even his attorney was made to complete the statement ‘I am Guilty’ in the court which never happened in the history of court before . Explosive materials were found from the chair where he was made to sit after court proceedings and whole of that floor was vacated in advance. Osho was made to sit on the chair as a conspiracy to eliminate him forever if he got bail on that day. As Osho was deported and quickly came out of the court,this plan was cancelled in a hurry. A fine of 400K was imposed for these minor charges to delay the Osho’s release from Jail so that such amount can not be arranged quickly. All these incidents are documented well in detail in the above mentioned book.
Now actions of Judas are not actions of Jesus. Actions of Devdatta are not actions of Budha. Actions of Mahavir’s son in law are not of Mahavir’s. Actions of Sheela are not actions of Osho. This distinction has to be clearly understood. But Sheela’s acts were projected to condem all the Osho and millions of people who loved him. Ruling Party can use any act for its own motivations. To make it more clear remember when a man with Hindu faith kills an Indian Leader it becomes just a matter of ‘One mad guy Nathu Ram” but when a man of Sikh faith kills an Indian leader ,whole of Sikh community is projected as villain and negative propaganda is done to spread anger against all the people of the community. See the difference. Act is same but it is projected with different motivations. Sheela is responsible for her acts. Osho was not even a resident of Ranjeeshpuram. He was living as a guest in a far away guest house in a silent place. Just concentrating on Sheela’s activities ignoring all the positive sides of Rajneespuram is not a balanced approach. There were far more positive things in Rajneeshpuram than just a Sheela. There are also hostile activities done by people who were living near the commune which should not be ignored.
Moreover a person of truth is already condemned in his time and worshipped later on. That is what is happening in the case of Osho. A charlatan person is always worshipped in his time and condemned later on. That is what is happening to Mohan Dass Gandhi who was projected as Mahatma Gandhi by greedy people as a political deal to remain themselves in office. It is truth which prevails ultimately. Now words of Osho has become best selling all over the world. He books became best selling even in unexpected countries like Iran,Russia and China. The countries who deported him are fighting for copyrights of his books . There are no copyrights in India for Osho’s books. NewYork has all the copyrights of Osho’s works. Today no book store is complete anywhere the world without a separate section just for Osho Books/music/Video/Audio.
Negative propaganda and cunning actions of politicians can never silence a Budha. Actually these help to spread the truth. Truth can never be stopped by any Government but more it is stopped,more sharp it becomes. Ram is standing upon Ravan. If there were no Ravan,nobody would have remembered Ram. Without Ravan,there can be no Ramyan. Truth itself is silent. but actions of idiots make it a news. Destruction of Rajneespuram could not do any harm. It paved the way for Osho’s World Tour. He exposed almost each country and was deported from all over the world. He went to the Greece which was called land of Socrates. He was stoned there as well by bishops. He reminded whole of the world that civilization is still a dream . After Rajneespuram was destroyed,The people who were living at RajneesPuram spread to all over the world and seed of truth went to whole of the earth. Now Osho communes are spreading all over the world. Communes bigger than Rajneespuram are already existing in Brazil and Europe. Osho meditation camps are happening all over the world including in India. New generation is already angry with old generation. What has old generations given?. This ugly world of nations,armies,thousands wars,two world wars and now the preparation of third and final war. We are sitting on nuclear explosives. Now the world has accumulated the nuclear weapons which can destroy this tiny and beautiful earth 700 times. And still the piles of nuclear weapons is increasing. Any stupid politician can trigger this ugly war any time. And politicians are most retarded class of humanity. These politicians are continuously creating hostility with other nations so that humanity can remain divided and their chairs,requirement and work remain alive. Future is golden. A new age,new humanity and a new man is born with Osho. Age of nations,armies,small families is finished . In the Golden future individuals will be living together seeking,meditating,singing,dancing and celebrating in communes. Children will be brought up together. The way child marriage is crime,so child initiation to any belief should be the crime. It is crime to impose a belief system and a religion until the child is matured. It destroys the real urge to seek forever. Readymade answers from Pundits are furnished before the question is even raised. This is ugly. Future will of real religiousness Not bogus religions
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