This treatment lasts a long time. I can't remember when I started and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's kind of like being in the twilight zone. Sometimes I have trouble remembering what life used to be like and what it will be like when I'm done. I'm way into this and it is definately a character building experience, I hate those. You definately learn your limits and then you go past them. You learn who your friends are as opposed to who your acquaintances are. Then there's the few people who see your weakness as an oppurtunity to be nasty, oh well there's only 2 of them so WTF. Very petty drama isn't for me.
TVB and I took Billy in for his MRI and the the nurse referred to us as "you boys", I think she thinks we're gay! So silly, I look like an ex-con, drug dealer, baseball hat, shaved head and sunglasses, oh well, I better not protest too much.
Halloween is here and my daughter and grandsons should be along before too long. I have to drive to Loomis at 7:00 to pick up Billy. He was very upset when we left him at the doctor's office. Such a sad little look he gave us. All is well and bye for now.
Floyd Turnquist, 1984
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