Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, October 15th 158/336

Woke up this morning after 11 hours of sleep feeling great. I don't know how I can top yesterday's "dog bites cat story" but I'll try. I felt very normal today and that's a good thing. I went to Kaiser and got my flu shot. The lady didn't want to inject it in my tattoo but I said it was fine. Later I went to Whole Foods and did some shopping. I took my truck to get the brakes fixed and then I rode my bike home. Although it was only 2 miles, the hills were a challenge and my legs were weak. I've been researching charitable organizations that specialize in children in Africa and it's quite a crazy quilt trying to figure out which ones are legitimate and which ones are scams. So far, I like Oprah's Angels and Free the Children. There is also a scholarship program in Rawanda that looks interesting and Blue Diamond in Seattle is looking good. This is a whole new world for me. Today I only took 1 20 minute nap which is almost normal. All is well and bye for now

The Big Bang, 2003


Terry Lee said...

For UC

current/ex is really something, it's almost as though he's a little boy who ran away from home. Unsolicited recommendation, give him another go but make him crawl on the ground like a snake for a month, and uncle Terry says "no sex".

Not Blank said...

Don't worry about the sex thing - it ain't happening! My question for the current/ex (thanks for giving this condition a name) this week is: "I know you say you love me, but do you LIKE me, and if so, why?"

TeaStarWitch said...

I'm glad this treatment is letting you breath normal sometimes : )