Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saturday, October 6th 149/336

Big day today. Magda and T and I and Billy took an hour's ride pass Placerville in the low Sierras and we did a 4 mile hike at Jenkinson Lake. M likes it there as they have clean restrooms every 1000 feet. I did well except that I really crapped out on the way back. I didn't realize it but the higher altitude cut down my oxygen intake enough
to make me sick. Discovery......tx side effects are similar to altitude sickness as both limit the O2 intake. Today I figured it was the same as being around 12,000/13,000 feet. My hemoglobin is 12 and anything under 13.5 is problematic. Oh well, enough of that! After the hike we went to Apple Hill organic farm and bought, you guessed it, apples. Next, down the hill to Costco (I stayed in the car). Then down the hill and home. A six hour outing for TLee. Tomorrow Jennifer and Leslie are coming for dinner. Bye for now.

New Zealand, Marco Polo 1996

1 comment:

TeaStarWitch said...

How were the apples? Did they worth your it? How is oxygen? Back? Can't do much of physical activity. Love yourself.