When we were at the park today a funny thing happened. There was a baby squirrel on the ground and he didn't run when Billy lunged at him. To make matters worse, the baby squirrel started to lunge at Billy and he didn't know what to do. He keep looking my way for advice as the baby squirrel had shamed him.
Hillary seems to be about done, as her campaign sinks into the politics of hopelessness, she and her cronies continue to destroy the democratic party, Bill Richardson really hurt, next is John Edwards followed by Al Gore if needed. Wouldn't she make a lovely VP..Stay tuned. How much does it cost to go to Obama's cocktail party? Let's just say I'm all in. How exciting!
All is well and bye for now.
Martinique at Midnight

COOL that you'll get to do dinner w/Barack. I guess my $25 donation didn't get me a place at the table -LOL. That's okay, thought, I was just happy to be a small part. But DO TELL all about it - what an amazing experience it's sure to be. I just listened to his Audacity of Hope last week and he continues to awe and inspire me.
I'm moving my last shot up a day (will do the deed tomorrow night and sneak to the finish line a day earlier)well, except that I'll be taking the ribas for another week I think they said....CAN NOT WAIT to get this behind me ... and I know you know what I mean. Kevin and Emma are getting fireworks ready...really. sending hugs, denise
2 Weeks - 2 Days!!!!
WOW Terry you're right there!
Go Terry Go!
Maids...wow. That must be nice.
Oh, and congratulations on being so near the end! WHoo-hoo!
WOW, time flies. I remember you starting treatment. Your ride was not that easy too, but it will be over sooooooon.
Terry, sorry I have not visit your blog that often any more. I'm just never at home.
Hi to Magda. Tell her I think about her every day, she is my friend in some paralel world.
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