312 days of tx and I could not wake up today! I had the lead blanket on me until noon when Billy decided he’d had enough and he started crying in my ear. That little animal has been a Godsend during my treatment. I finally got up and we went to Starbuck’s and I had a vente frappachino with 2 extra shots. That did the trick while M stayed home.
This one’s for the girls. My good friend, DS has not spoken to me for the whole time that I have been treating with the Chemo, 45 weeks. I guess that’s what she needs to do but she refuses to state what it is I’ve done to her. Different people deal with hurt in different ways and hers is to adapt a passive aggressive, controlling stance. I guess that’s what she needs to do to feel safe. At any rate, I can’t take responsibility for that which is a mystery to me, I can only assume that DS takes great satisfaction in playing victim in control.
I think I’m going to have to accelerate my efforts to get to the bottom of this; I just need to know what it is I’m accused of having done. I can't take ownership of a ghost.
Any advice is appreciated.
All is well and bye for now
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Good friend???? Hasn't talked to you in 45 weeks??? You think it because of tx? Have you been trying to contact her? (You may want to take her picture down, perhaps use initials instead of real names, if that's her real name...)
Good idea!
Have you out and out asked her? Sometimes we all do things that we don't realize, and now with tx to top it off you may not be capible of realizing.
You already have so much that you're juggling. So before you act you'll have to ask yourself "Will asking cause you to juggle one more thing or will you be able to lay something down?"
You're close to the finish line and maybe you should just let her be where she wants to be right now until you can get through what you're going through. She Has No Idea!!!!!!!!
One more thing, there are people who try to get what they want by playing selfish games. By acting like the victom they think they rally people to pat them on the back. They also think it's a way to punish you or make you into the asshole. Confronting these types of people in front of someone else empowers them and you can wind up looking like the asshole. Sometimes, depending on the person, the best thing to do is to remain sweet. Be nice. Truly smile and say good morning and good night. Don't force the issue, don't confront. Be kind. If this is the person that she is.....it'll drive her nuts! She'll either talk to you sooner or later or she'll walk away and she'll prove she was never worth it to begin with.
One thing though....I agree with U.C., you should start my using initials and taking her pic down. lol
Honey, a good friend doesn't NOT talk to you for 45 weeks....I don't think....
Umm...when did I last speak to my good friends? Umm?
Okay, snap that judgment off the page and we'll move on.
Okay, yeah, you need to approach her. Ask her, talk to her, put it out there. You might be surprised.
I had a cousin who died slowly from congestive heart failure. She noticed that as time went on people distanced themselves from her, and it hurt her terribly. However, she also stated she felt it was their way of dealing with her death emotionally, they just couldn't go that road with her, they didn't have the strength.
Do you think this is what's going on with your friend?
I've noticed my parents talk with Ron, but they deal with me a lot less since starting tx. It's as if they don't know what to do, they feel bad, so they avoid me.
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