I went to bed at midnight and got up at 11:00 this morning. Starbuck’s, walk to the river and a little grocery shopping. I felt OK today so tomorrow it’s off to SF for a few days. Dinner with Sally tomorrow night and lunch with the boys on Wednes-day. I’m also planning on getting my curly locks cut on Wednesday.
I’m getting excited about the end of tx and I only have 4 more shots to go. Today marks 10 months down and one more to go. This has been a long haul, harder in many ways than I had anticipated. Hopefully, I’ll return to my old self before too long as this TX rattles you to the core.
All is well and by for now
Dad, I'm so proud of you and you are almost done. 1 more month to go. You can do it.
I can see the end of your tunnel....Not long now Terry the next few weeks will fly by for you...We are having a busy time in Nomads camp lots of medal polishing going on..
Make sure you check in soon for yours.....PXXXXXXXX
4 more weeks! That's awesome! It's going to fly right by, and then you can work on your recovery.
yeahh!!! 4 weeks to go!
We will come over to celebrate!
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