After Peet’s, I drove home to Carmichael and the ride was nice with no slow downs at all. The Blue angels were flying low along the American river and they came so close they made the windows rattle.
This democratic primary is becoming quite shameful and the DNC is acting like a chicken with it’s head cut off. What business is it of their’s when a state holds it’s primary. Now they have really stepped in shit. Don’t even get me started about Gelaldine Ferraro’s racist behavior. She brings up the candidates race and then accuses him of playing the race card. Hillary sits back and does nothing. She’s running her campaign right out of the republican play book. Like I said, don’t get me started.
Laurie’s Jimmy got me in some serious shit with M. Next December, he and I will meet in Manhattan and we will go to Harry Winston to by the girls their Christmas presents.
All is well and by for now

OOOOH!!! yeaahaw!!!
Hey M this could turn out REALLY GOOD for both of us!!!
Terry - how old are you??? By now, haven't you learned to NOT mention a $9,800 necklace you DON'T intend to buy your girlfriend? You brought this on yourself. Sounds like a plan for Christmas, but what about M's birthday now?
I got her what she wanted, a lunch bag and a thermos.
I can't wait to start using my lunch box. Jimmy is right, Obama wins this one, hopefully he spends this money wisely. I still belive that any democract will be better in the office than a Republican. Rather see Hillary than grandpa McCain and his barbie doll wife. I just could not look at her nip/tuck face for four years. In addition her pink suits are totally inappropirate for TV, she could do more damage than Barbara.
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