The beat goes on and the good days continue. M rousted me at 8:30 and off to Pete’s we went. After Peet’s we went to Nordstrum’s and I atoned for the Barrack Obama donation and I bought M some “true religion” jeans and some make up for her birthday. She only likes true religion as they have a tendency to make the ass look “perfect”.
After shopping, we came home and she went to get her hair colored and I took the dog to the river. Came home and took a nap and then watched some shows. I’m going to give Sillary the weekend off unless I hear that she has inserted her foot in her mouth again.
All is well and by for now
Hey TerryL - not many more days to go - hope they are all good ones.
You want to adopt a daughter too? My kid wanted Rock N Republic Beckham jeans for her BD - $300.00, she got 2 pair!
Hope M's BD was great.
When I was a kid the levis were $6.00 and gas was 22 cents, Times change.
Tweedle,costo has true religon jeans at discount
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