I cooked pasta for dinner and I was only given a C+ by M. Considering the fact that she has food issues from being raised in Poland that’s not to bad.
Tomorrow I’m turning 60. Where has the time gone? Shot 39 is on board and I’m hoping it’s an easy week. M, TVB and I go to SF tomorrow for a birthday dinner with my kids. Brunch Sunday with Johnathan and then back to Carmichael. We will have a full house at the loft as M has invited some others. One has a dog who wears a diaper after 6 months and refuses to be house broken. Yuck!
All is well and bye for now.

Happy Birthday TerryL!
Wow - SIX-O - that's a reason to celebrate. Hope your day is "groovy".
Happy birthday TL!!! (Remember - never trust anyone older than 30! How long ago was that!!!) I know you'll do a great job with Magda's paper - I remember thinking 'we're all going to die!' when it happened. Just let her edit it to take out all references to 'when I watched President Kennedy on TV...' because SHE wasn't born then and her professor MAY realize that! Have a great birthday and a great weekend. Peggy and Reba - you two behave yourselves!
I was a child in Canada when the missile crisis was upon us... I remember that one day when the air raid sirens went off we had to all goo directly home and get our parents to record how long it took us... we had to go directly home, do not pass go, do not collect $200 ooppsss wrong game....I was too young to really comprehend what was going on, but I could sense the adults were a bit spooked....
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