Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday, January 23rd 258/336

Another fabulous day in the neighborhood. Lately, I have felt as though I’m skiing down a hill. I take shot 38 tomorrow, and hopefully my good fortune will continue. Starbuck’s, the park and then shopping at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. I bought a couple of t-shirts at Arden Mall. I haven’t looked at my stock portfolio for a week. It’s true when they say ignorance is bliss! Our friend Laurie had her Biopsy yesterday and it looks like she’s good to go for tx in about 10 days. We always welcome new members to our very special club. No pain no gain, this is one of those character building experiences.

I have been doing really well since I relived the walk back from the gas chambers at Auschwitz. I guess the power of positive thinking is a force to reckon with on tx and in life. Check out Magda’s guest blogger, Fabian, a very inspirational post.

I feel as though I have been doing this for a very long time, well you have stupid, see above (258/336).

All is well and bye for now.


1 comment:

Laurie said...

Ahhh! :) You included me in your blog!

Thank you Terry! Thank you for all of your kind words and kind thoughts.

The one positive thing that this ugly little virus has brought to me are incredibly beautiful friends like you and Iris. Words could never express what your support means to me.

And by the way, You sound awesome! My fingers and toes are crossed for you over the last 10 shots, hoping that you continue to feel "Groovy"! :)

((Big Hugs))