Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday, January 20th 255/336

DJLSFO has won the contest and solved the riddle. Enjoy your fries!

The answer was that Magda has restarted her blog.

Clue #1: Look out ole Maggie is back

Clue #2 Sit about a glob=It’s about a blog

Thank you all for playing!

The easy days of tx continue. Not to bad at all, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and the dark days of winter are fading. Today I broke down and bought an iphone. Actually, M bought it for me for my birthday on the 1st of February. It is very chalenging and it will take me all of 2 weeks to make everything it does work. The brain fog makes my technological phobia much more apparent. I’m going to do one thing a day so that it doesn’t overwhelm me. I think I might have to go to the Apple store to take a lesson. All is well and bye for now


Laurie said...

I can't wait for your review on the Iphone.

This might help you along

It's the iphone tutorial online.

Have a great day!

My Other Blog said...

I was getting close - I got "sit about a blog," oh well...
Is the iphone a camera, too? If so, we'll expect more pictures -the river you walk to each day, your local Starbucks (where sure there's a chair with your name on it), etc.

Terry Lee said...

It is a camera too

Starwtich said...

I'm going to buy an iPhone too, but my friends have peoblems with the software, so now I'm thinking it I should.