Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday, January 26th 261/336

Woke up feeling really crappy so I stayed in bed until 11:00. I describe how I feel when I’m sick as having gone to Chernoble and eating uranium and then washing it down with a swig of bleach. Came out of it in time to go to Zuni Restaurant with M & Jonathan and Gretchen. Things went well for lunch and we had a great time. Jonathan goes for his biopsy on Monday and that should tell the tale as to wether or not he tx’s. Got home and got sick again and now I feel better. Evil brew these meds. My doc called me today and I was afraid she was going to tell me I had a viral break through but she told me that my triglycerides have gone from 121 to 400 since being on tx. She said it mightbe from the meds and I didn’t tell her that I never fasted before the test. I go in Thursday for a follow up. All is well and bye for now.

Zuni Restraunt courtesy of iphone

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