The iphone is the shit A Fabu to the max. I pretty much have it figured out and I was having so much fun playing with it that Magda got very envious and off we went to the apple store to buy another one. This is from the woman, who only yesterday, decided she was going to give up the cell phone for good. When we got to the Apple store, there must have been 200 customers and 50 employees inside. We did our biz and left.
I went to get air in my tire as M said, “I don’t do dat”. While there, I had a very sincere plea from a man who needed gas as he was married 3 days ago and he had been laid off his job at Levitz recently. He was so persuasive and I was having a good day so I gave him a twenty. As we drove out of the station, we watched the woman he was with (wife?) run down the street and buy a bag of crack. Shameless MF’ers. My bleeding heart liberal girlfriend is still in shock, she couldn’t believe it and she had to call her friend Cindy and discuss the situation. The two of them came up with the hope that the crack heads would some day find rehabilitation and the 20.00 was a small price to pay for a lesson learned. I thought it was the cost of a good laugh. All is well and bye for now.
Crack Head

When someone tells me they haven't eaten in 3 days and they need money for food, I tell them I'll buy them food - most people won't go into a McDonalds or store with me. If someone asks for gas money, pay for the gas and pump it into their car if you have to do that to make sure it goes for gas.
I think M. is still too innocent to live in the USA! (Or, maybe what I mean is not 'street smart' enough yet.) And, yes, except for the time I had an oil change and they checked my tires, I haven't put air in my them since my future ex left, what's wrong with that? Women don't come with tire pressure gages on the ends of their fingers, like men do!
you're supposed to put air in tires? I thought they came with air in them!
That was very funny!!
OMG! That's shocking, real MF-s. It's so disapointing when you think you give money for something good and it turnes out money was spent for something against all your principals-- And right infront of you.
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