Today was a study doctor day. When I arrived, my 2 nurses and my GP thanked me for the Starbuck’s cards I gave them at Christmas. I looked through my 30 week bloods and found the following:
Viral Load=Undetectable
White bloodcell count=2.78
WBC 2.72
Everything is looking good
Some of the forums I belong to have been discussing gradually reducing Interferon at the end of tx as a means of putting your immune system back on track. She said that she’s read a study that showed Sustained viral response(think cure) to be the same with gradual withdrawl and rapid cessation. Her take is “You either kill it or you don’t”
All is well and by for now

You're in a study and can't reduce gradually.. Trust me, your body won't want anymore interferon after 48 weeks, or if it does, you just have to show it who's boss. All your blood numbers look really good.
Looks like you have strong bone marrow too - Great bloods. I don't know about the gradual withdrawal - I think in our cases with HCV - less is not more!
Have a great weekend.
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