TVB(M’s ex) and I are starting to sound like two old grouches, it got to the point today that TVB lost his glasses and was looking all over the house to find them. It was starting to irritate me so I joined him on the floor and found it under the couch after he had spent an hour searching drawers etc. It seems the maids vacuumed them under the couch. Now we are working on our next project, which is taking photographs documenting his art collection. We have been having heated discussions about the resolution of the cameras, together we should finish the documentation in a week,( a project that should take a day). TVB was 1st asst to Robert Rauschenberg for 20 years and I’ve been seriously shooting photographs for 40 years, so, we both know all there is to know about this topic.
M finishes her winter session at school Thursday and we’re off to SF for a few days. Bfast Friday with David and Jimmy and lunch on Saturday with Jonathan and Gretchen at Zuni. Jonathan is a fellow hepsie and he does a biopsy very soon. Seems to be the age all us old hippies are in,
All is well and bye for now.
The famous and gorgeous TeaStarWitch. She finished 72 weeks of tx 6 weeks ago and she is almost back to normal. We are all very proud of her. 48 weeks is a challenge, 72 weeks, forget it.

Oh Terry, that's one of the worst pictures of meeeeeee!!!!! I look like and old fat woman.
I wanted to meet Magda's ex, he sounds very special and spiritual person.
You have only 10 shots to go. Believe me, they will fly by so soon you won't even notice.
Love and hugs to you and M
Stop it You look gorgeous!!
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