Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wednesday, January 9th 244/336

My friend David started calling at 8:30 this morning. 2 calls and then he left a message which which I count as another call. He said he was with Jimmy and we should go to breakfast. They picked me up and we swung by Starbuck’s on our way to the Good Morning Café in Tiburon. 3 pancakes and 3 Rebetol later I was feeling pretty good. We went grocery shopping for David and they we drove Jimmy home as his lithium seem to be failing. We went to see Anne and she was as happy as a clam and her back wasn’t bothering her. I tell you, after 60 it’s patch, patch, patch. David took me home and I took a 2 hour nap. I’m going to meet him to see “Charlie Wilson’s War” and then it’s off to dinner and then home. All is well and bye for now.

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