Another great day! Shirt sleave weather. Went to Starbuck's and then to lunch with the boys. I then went on the most scenic walk in america, along the Bay to the Golden Gate Bridge and back, 3 miles and it tired me out. After that, I went and got a haircut as my hair seems to be coming back a little and I'm not going to shave my head any more. Shopping at Safeway and off to the plant store to get a plant. We need a big plant for the living room in Carmichael and SF has a great store for that. M told me to just pick one but I'm nervous as they are expensive and I kill all plants in no time at all. I'm going to go back again tomorrow to make a choice. The plumber is also coming to replace my kitchen faucet from 12-3 and then it's off to Carmichael for V day with M.
All is well and bye for now

After 5 days of snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain and all out horrible weather, I come to your blog and find beautiful weather! :) Soak some up for me and send it our way! lol
You sound so wonderful Terry! I'm so happy for you. (lol and for me because you're showing me that this must get better)
Tell M I said "Hi" :)
Oh..... I want to where Magda is lying with her dog. So sunny and shinny.
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