The dog and I went to Starbuck’s and we sat outside and read the paper and did the crossword puzzle. After that, the dog took me for my walk to the river.
While listening to my I phone, I heard “Streets of Philadelphia” by Bruce Springstein. It contains the line, “I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone. At night I could hear the blood in my veins black and whispering as the rain.”
This song is about an aids patient on medication. I bring this up because I have conversations with dead friends and relatives almost every night in my dreams. Last night I took a phone call from my mom. We talked and the away she went. She’s been dead and gone for awhile now. Springstein’s lyrics really hit home as that’s how it is for me deep in the night.
My friend Uncertain claims to have become physic while on interferon to the point she changed her name to Madame Yu See. I don’t believe that I’m all that physic, but I do believe that these drugs do strange things to one’s head, so who knows. I may become Mister Yu See before to long. Strange brew!
All is well and by for now

Ummph...I'm so jealous! Snow, freezing rain, icy roads and all out crap here for weather!
But I'm glad that you have it because it sounds like it does your soul so much good!
Here's to praying that you have beautiful weather for the next 44 days!
Did you ask her where she hid the perkodan?
MYS thinks this country isn't big enough for 2 interferon psychics, so I'm bowing out of the business - it's all yours. :]
I'm so glad you were finally given a beautiful day. You deserve that kind of break in the clouds now and then. It's the kind of thing that keeps us going.
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