Saturday, February 02, 2008

Saturday, February 2nd 268/336

The Traumatic Events Of the Day...

I am writing this blog for TL because he is not feeling well. We went to the beach and the whole way there and back, TVB and TL had these intense conversations about the origins of the word “right,” and why we use the word “right” for the word “correct” and why we don’t use the world “left” for the word “incorrect” and what it all really means. They sounded like two hippies tripping on LSD. It went on, and on, and on… I told them that they sound like two cranky beeatches. Now both of them are lying on the couch whining about all their hurting alignments and how old age is not fun, and I should just wait and see. So I decided that when they are really old and get even crankier to cheer them up, I will hire them naked girls to do gymnastics and flips in our back yard. After much negotiation we went to the beach, where TL had a riba rage, and kicked some ladies dog. As one can imagine, she went ballistic, upon which, he proceeded to call her, a “crazy bitch”. We had to run to the car and drive home fast, before she pepper sprayed us. On our fast way out of the beach, we saw a coyote, so we stopped the car to take a photo. TL rolled down his window and the coyote was licking his lips trying to jump up at TL. It put poor TL further over the edge, so now he has been sleeping for hours and is unable to move due to all the traumatic events of the day and it is not over yet…

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Anonymous said...

I resemble that remark!

OK, readers, tell me I'm wrong (as the driver) to inform the navigator of the good ship BMW that the only time he should use the word "right" when addressing the captain is when referring to direction. I felt like I was in a "Who's on first" performance:

TVB: should I go straight now?
TL: right

In line with the nautical theme, TL promised me from now on he would use port and starboard as commands....I guess that's easier then for a chemo-head to only use the directional term of "right."

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're working on "Grumpy Old II"

Anonymous said...

Can you tell I am sleep deprived? "Grumpy Old Men II" was what I getting at LOL

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! What are you guys getting into? All of you are trouble makers and TL is the gang leader. Thanks god the cops weren't there. LOL!

My Other Blog said...

Oh Magda, I feel so sorry for you and all you are putting up with. 68 more days - that's less than 10 weeks - hang in there, hon!
What's up with tvb (whoever he is)? TL is on interferon, so arguing about word origins is a perfectly reasonable thing to do - what's tvb's excuse for arguing with someone on interferon?

Terry Lee said...

TVB is Magda's ex husband, Terry Van Brunt.

DJLSFO said...

Jimmy and I always had this conversation:

Should I go to the left?
You are liberal enough!

Should I go straight?
You always said you were straight!

Are you going to the right?

Actually, it's probably the same woman that Jimmy and I saw at Crissie Field picking up a dead bird and throwing it in the garbage can shortly after the oil spill from the COSCO incident. I jokingly told her to make sure and wash her hands afterwards and she started screaming at me that I was not her mother, and to go fuck myself.....

Jonathan said...

This is from the "word detective"
The word "right" comes from the Old English "riht," meaning "straight," related to the Latin "rectus," also meaning "straight". It was metaphorically used to mean "good, or proper or fair," ie: the Bill of Rights.

Once "right" became established as a synonym for "correct," people busied themselves for a while deciding what was "right" and what was not. Eventually they got around to noticing that most people found it easier to do things with the hand on the arm opposite their hearts, and decided that this must be the correct, or "right" hand to use. This bizarre prejudice persisted for centuries.

The political sense of "right" owes its origin to the "right hand," rather than the "correct," sense of "right." Delegates to the French National Assemble of 1789 sorted themselves out by political affiliation, the conservatives deciding to sit on the right side of the chamber and the radicals on the left. Perhaps because the words "right" and "left" are two very short ways of summing up fundamental political disagreements, the terms have been used in this sense for more than 200 years.
So there you have it.
I think you should have taken the evil dog and given it to the Coyote.
See you in a couple of hours

Laurie said...

lol...what wonderful adventures! Got me laughing to tears!

It's even more funny because Jimmy told me on the phone from Denver last night that he's having a chuckle at the way everyone there say's the word "right" at the end of all of their sentences. Confusses the hell out of him as to if there asking a question or making a statement. Either way we both decided that they're not quite "right"! lol

By the way....Why Did you kick the dog? (other than Riba rage)

And are you completely nuts for playing with a coyote? We don't have many around here but the ones that we do have I wouldn't mess with!

All and all it sounds like a day I'd love to spend.

Thanks M for the story. I don't think Terry could have put it any better!

Terry Lee said...

Actually, I didn't really kick the dog, I kicked at the dog who kept running over Billy and then ran at me.