Never expect a relative you are lending money to be grateful, chances are in the not too distant future you will be dealt an extremely unkind blow by the beneficiary as the depravity and treacherousness of the human soul knows no bounds. The borrower will stop at nothing, including attacking you and the people you live with personally. The borrower will suffer from a sense of entitlement and blame you for the fact that they can’t make their obligations. They will repeatedly make you ask them when they're going to pay and they will try to guilt you for doing them a favor. This is embarrassing and awkward at best.
They will tell you this is a fight you can't win, No shit! They have all of your money.
All is well and by for now
That goes double for not lending $$ to a relative! (Although it is a good thing that my son owes me $1,000 now - he can't ask for more until he pays me back! But he has exploited my separation from the future-ex and borrowed more $$ from him!)
I'm glad to hear you're feeling human once again!
do I owe you money? Tweedle
Tweedle, no it wasn't about you.
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