My sides are extreme fatigue, brain fog(who am I?) and chemo brain. Chemo brain is the feeling of the poisons attacking your brain. I’ve been doing this for 9 months and it is powerful stuff. The personality changes and the mental sides are the worst part of it for me. I feel nothing but humilty while projecting a strong sense of self rightousness (according to M). What I see is not what they get. JB says it best when he says, “Sometimes the spectators see more than the players” I don’t see the personality changes that others see. 2 more months and we’re done with it. This is a very tough treatment, for Laurie, Jonathan and Cindy, my friends who will be starting soon, Get in the best shape you can, go to the gym, do some aerobics, get your meds in order, hit the tx running, this shit is long and nasty.
All is well and by for now
I really want to be king!

1 comment:
The Hillary supporters who saw her explain why she had to put $5Million personel money into her campaign because she was unable to pay her staff, saw the reporter ask the question "Was your staff still provided health care during this time"......and she was unwilling to provide a direct answer....should make them say hmmm
This Repubilican doesn't care for McCain much so go Obama....would hate to vote fopr McCain simply because I dislike Hillery
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