Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday, February 17th 283/336

Today is a bad one. My body feels as though it’s been thoroughly poisoned, rat poison, weed killer, insecticide, radiation etc. There is no mind over matter with this crap, it’s like going out and standing in a hurricane thinking that you won’t get blown away. When this stuff is on it’s game it’s brutal. Today I’m as sick as I’ve ever been on tx. Chills, fever, neaseua, think head, chemo brain, brain fog, all through saran wrap vision walking on the bottom of a lake. Hugely depressed. I hope tomorrow is better.

All is well and by for now


Laurie said...

Oh Terry, I'm sorry it's hitting you again.'re almost there.

Hang in there Terry.

I pray that you feel better today!

((Big Hugs))

Anonymous said...

could be worse, you could have more relatives.

My Other Blog said...

"Flu like symptons" - could be the flu, it seems to be all over the country right now. 53 more days, you can do this. At least 'all is well.'

Terry Lee said...

Not the flu, I am poisoned by tx. Feeling better today, no longer suicidal:-)