Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday, December 5th 209/336

Either he cold weather agrees with my treatment or I’m having a very good week. I have had very few sx’s the last 2 days, except for a little “Rain Man” brain fog; thank you Magda Van Brunt. I feel like I should stay another week, rather than going home tomorrow. The car will pick us up at 6:45 for an 8:45 flight out of JFK to SFO. We drive from SFO to Carmichael so M can make it to her 6:00 class. Big ass day for the kid tomorrow!

Woke up feeling hell’a groovy. Starbuck’s then M and I went to Rockerfeller Center to see the Christmas decorations and they were Fabu. I took the F train to Brooklyn and had lunch with my past workmate Myrel Glick. She was so kind, she said that none of my agents ever knew what a good thing they had going working for me until they worked for someone else. She said they all it realize now. She thanked me for so many years of an enjoyable environment. She really touched my heart. We had sushi lunch and she has sold 13 properties in a year. She is very good and works hard. Took the subway home and then M and I went to Blossom restaurant for dinner. M approved and we had a great time living the New York life style for a few days. All is well and bye NYC for now.

Self Portrait, 1976


Laurie said...

Well when you get home, if you need a little of this cold ass weather to perk you up....just stick your head in the freezer and remember all of us! But then concentrate really hard and send us some of that California sunshine! ;-)

Hope your trip home is good.

My Other Blog said...

Hope you have a good, safe flight home (if you're reading this from an airport Wifi spot ;}). We'll get together again, I'm sure.

Me said...

I'm glad you're feeling so well! It's nice to have those moments on this long road.

Jonathan said...

sometimes the adrenaline and excitement of being somewhere else is enough to overcome a lot of the drug effects. You should takes more trips.
Hope to see you back in SF