I caught a break today and my insanity is gone for the time being. This will probably change before too long as I just took shot # 34 and the interferon tends to whack me out Saturday to Wednesday.
I spoke with my nurse and I’m being referred for behavior evaluation. She asked me what my symptoms were and I said that I was saying things that I didn’t want to say. She asked me “like what”, and I said, “well, I told my girlfriend fuck you”. She said, “OK, I see”. I went on to mention that after that I drove to SF and holed up alone in the loft on Christmas eve. To my surprise she said, “I should have gone with you!” She asked me if I was having suicidal or homicidal thoughts and she ended the question with, "now answer this question very carefully" I said, "no". At any rate, I’m on track to be evaluated and hopefully repaired. All is well and bye for now.

I feel for you Terry...... been there done that...it is hard to detach yourself from yourself and look at it from another perspective... I know Chrissy was a rock for me but sometimes she did wonder if it was "really" me or the meds... this was complicated by the fact that we never had a bad word and it was new relationship...very hard for a carer.... Happier New Year to you and yours my friend.....regards jb
"Behavior evaluation!" So, that's what they all it!! It's wierd that you're having interferon peaks 3 or 4 days after your injection, I thought that didn't happen to Pen people...
Well, it's just a matter of finding the right anti-depressant to lighten your symptoms - and not letting one good day fool you into thinking that you don't need a change of anti-depressants. Take care.
Try not to be too hard on yourself. Probably could use a change or additional A/D. Thinking of you and M - hope you can share the joy of a New Year - a new beginning!
I am glad you have been feeling better mentaly. I know how taxing it is on you to have your thoughts be like a raging river of debris.
Lis, Terry, we all act crazy sometimes. And I'm sure all of us at some point have suicidal thoughts too, it does not mean we will do it. It's all normal on treatment. Not only I told my husband to go and fuck himself, but I've been throwing knives at him. Ones my daughter asked me to go for a walk with her and I told her to go to hell. It does not mean anything. All it means is that we can't control our irritation.
Cheers, my frined.
This is David and I was the one that called her grandma ma
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