The Christmas madness continues. M had old friends call her and they agreed to meet at their house this afternoon. When she got there, they were home, but they wouldn’t answer the door. She came home very upset and I can’t say as I blame her, it was mean and rude and unnecessary. Something really gets people acting strange at this time of the year.
My friend J has da’ Hepsie and 2 years ago he was a one liver damage wise. He had a fibroscan and came back as a four(not good). Seems really strange that the damage progressed so much in such a short time. Fibroscans have a high rate of false/positive readings as they can be influenced by a number of medicines and supplements. He has a biopsy next month and that should tell the tale. I wish him the best as no one needs to do this torture. All is well and bye for now

1 comment:
Magda's friends don't look to be healthy people. Say hi to M and tell her I will always open my door for her even if I'm not home, not all the way around : )
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