I slept forever and awoke at 10:30. This week has really been a pisser sides wise. This now rates as bad week #6. I’m going to try to focus on the positive as it does me no good to whine. I’m not sure the prozac is still working as it may have crapped out on me. I don’t have that much further to go so I’m just going to keep on keeping on. Knowing the virus has been killed is a nice reward as is knowing that I’m an early responder, so few people are. M and I are starting to plan our trip to India for next fall and it should be fun. I’m tired of winter and I can’t wait for spring when I am finished with my treatment. I hasn’t been easy but it has made me stronger and it’s given me a new appreciation for good health. I shaved my head again and I really screwed it up so I had to do it twice.
M and I and the dog walked to the river and back and then I just came home and rested. If my writing seems disjointed it is only a symptom of my fragmented mind. I read about a psychiatrist who tx’d and he checked himself into a nut ward at week 44 as he claimed to have lost his mind. I have 16 weeks to go and the tx is really staring to beat me down. Tomorrow is shot #33 and I hope it agrees with me. This week has not been fun. All is well and bye for now.
The bad weeks really do suck, here's hoping the next week will be better - you'll have Christmas and New Years as a diversion. 16 weeks is a loooooonnnnnggg time to go feeling like crap and in a crummy mood, if you don't snap out of this after the first of the year, maybe you should change anti-ds.
#33 - The number printed on all Rolling Rock beer labels
#33 is the largest positive integer that can not be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers.
33 - The number of innings played in the longest baseball game in history
33 - On most occasions, the traditional number of racers in the Indianapolis 500
Sounds lucky to me!
Hope you start feeling better!
Just take it one day at a time (that's about as long as we can remember now anyway). Hope you and M have some good time during the holidays. Don't beat yourself up - remember 'It's the Drugs'
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