I gave my daughter an ipod nano for Christmas and when she tried to make it work, it said that her computer would need a new operating system which costs as much as the ipod nano. When I went to the store they said that the system requirements were listed on the side of the box and that I should have known that it wouldn’t work. I feel very bent over behind this. Typical Apple.
When we got home, I took the dog for our walk to the river and he was a very bad dog. He found a pile of turkey poop and proceeded to roll in it until it was all over him. It was very ugly. M drove to the park and wrapped him in a towel and then took him home for a bath. He was a very bad boy.
Things were good until 5:00 and then I was hit by a fatigue attack. I took a nap for an hour and then had dinner, took my pills, and then watched a couple of shows. The 30’s(tx weeks) have been terrible. I’m looking forward to the fabulous 40’s which will take me to the end of this. This tx takes longer and longer as I get further into it. All is well and bye for now.

I kind of miss the days of just putting the album on the turn table! lol
I bought Jimmy a satelite radio for his car with a boom box for his office and the set up for our home stereo. I bought the reciever and boom box as a bundle from Amazon.com, but when he opened it we realized that the reciever and the boombox where not compatible to each other. Had to send the boombox back. It sticks when you give a present that doesn't work right away!
Happy New Year to you and M!
Happy New Year, Terry and M!
Hi Terry
Checking in and reading how your tx has been going.
What you describe reminded me so much of my own treatment – particularly the last phase. And I am really feeling for you.
I remember there being many days I had no control over my mouth – I could hear myself saying things I knew were stupid to be saying and could not shut up. One day, I got into yelling in a shop where I took back a licorice bar they had sold me, claiming it was past the “sell by” date. I got really irate they wouldn’t accept it was out of date – the print was so small I began to doubt my reading of it but that didn’t stop me from ranting. Looking back now, I can’t believe I actually went back to a shop with a “candy bar” and complained!??!
And the endless fatigue – fatigue like no other I have experienced.
Then there are the days when everything in tolerable and ok.
Tx is truly an emotional roller coaster. Terry, if your worst really is just telling your girlfriend “fuck you” please do not worry too much about “insanity” or needing a psychiatric consult. That really is the impact of these drugs on your emotions – the “side-effects” to be tolerated and coped with, by Magda as well as you.
She too is going through tx – with you. I suspect partners know this but we often don’t realise they need their own support networks as well.
Also, I suspect prozac doesn’t actually curb these kinds of symptoms – just boosts low seratonin levels and prevents you feeling too low.
The 48 week treatment is a real marathon – and I can hear you are fixed on the finish line and you are in it to achieve that. Good. Keep your courage and determination intact. Believe. Remember you are an early responder and you have no virus inside you now. With every passing week you are decreasing further and further the likelihood that it will return. Now you just need to sustain living with the levels of toxic medicine for a few more weeks. And win.
Happy New Year to you and Magda - and continued success in 2008.
Wishing you well
Happy New Year to you both.....Just ONE HUNDRED days to go....It will soon pass and we got the warmth of Spring to spur you on...We are thinking of you both and will ring you again soon.....CXX
Apple are crooks, their policies and humiliating. Don't buy operating system, just rip it off from the internet. screw them.
Your treatment will be over soon, so cheer up.
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