Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 31st 235/336
Happy New Year to all of you who have been such a great source of support while on My Hep C Adventure. 100 more days to do in 2008!

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 30th 234/336
I got up at 9:00 and after walking around in a daze for 1/2 an hour I finally started to feel pretty good. Had my frappachino and then M and I went to Trader Joe’s and then Pier One and then to the apple computer store.
I gave my daughter an ipod nano for Christmas and when she tried to make it work, it said that her computer would need a new operating system which costs as much as the ipod nano. When I went to the store they said that the system requirements were listed on the side of the box and that I should have known that it wouldn’t work. I feel very bent over behind this. Typical Apple.
When we got home, I took the dog for our walk to the river and he was a very bad dog. He found a pile of turkey poop and proceeded to roll in it until it was all over him. It was very ugly. M drove to the park and wrapped him in a towel and then took him home for a bath. He was a very bad boy.
Things were good until 5:00 and then I was hit by a fatigue attack. I took a nap for an hour and then had dinner, took my pills, and then watched a couple of shows. The 30’s(tx weeks) have been terrible. I’m looking forward to the fabulous 40’s which will take me to the end of this. This tx takes longer and longer as I get further into it. All is well and bye for now.
I gave my daughter an ipod nano for Christmas and when she tried to make it work, it said that her computer would need a new operating system which costs as much as the ipod nano. When I went to the store they said that the system requirements were listed on the side of the box and that I should have known that it wouldn’t work. I feel very bent over behind this. Typical Apple.
When we got home, I took the dog for our walk to the river and he was a very bad dog. He found a pile of turkey poop and proceeded to roll in it until it was all over him. It was very ugly. M drove to the park and wrapped him in a towel and then took him home for a bath. He was a very bad boy.
Things were good until 5:00 and then I was hit by a fatigue attack. I took a nap for an hour and then had dinner, took my pills, and then watched a couple of shows. The 30’s(tx weeks) have been terrible. I’m looking forward to the fabulous 40’s which will take me to the end of this. This tx takes longer and longer as I get further into it. All is well and bye for now.

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday, December 29th 233/336
Today seems to be a day where I never was never able to fully wake up. That’s par for for a Saturday as the Interferon takes a second whack at you 40-48 hours after the injection. I had to take 2, two hour naps. I’m starting to feel the same as Bill Murray did in Ground Hog Day. The tx beats you down as time goes by. The first 24 weeks were doable, but the second 24 weeks are a bear. I hope I cure, but if I don’t, I won’t be doing this again until new cures arrive with shorter tx times. 72 weeks is totally out of the question. I’m a 2/2 fibrosis after 38 years and I drank very heavily for many years. At 60 years old, I won’t need to treat again. Thank goodness for my sobriety.
I never made it out of the house. M is exhausting me in a good way. I get the headache. All is well and bye for now.
I never made it out of the house. M is exhausting me in a good way. I get the headache. All is well and bye for now.

Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 28th 232/336
The Very Sad Story of Sven and his Girlfriend
Some blogs ago I wrote about my friend Sven. Sven’s home for the last 10 years has been a tent. He is from East Germany and travels on a German passport. For the last 10 years he has been all over the world on 10 dollars a day. He works the summer for 2 or 3 months in Italy and then travels the world for the next 9 or 10 months. He is street wise and 3rd world wise. Last year, while traveling in India, he met a very nice Polish woman(another Magda) and they really hit it off. Sven’s Magda has been studying to be a physical therapist in the states. Sven has not been one to stay in one place for too long. He and his girlfriend have gone their separate ways 3 times as she doesn’t want to travel the world anymore. They split up again on December 18th and Sven said he was off to see the world again. Magda was crushed and felt abandoned.
Sven went to Guatamala and pitched his new tent on the beach in Belize. He went for a short walk and took a nap, and when he awoke, his tent had been stolen. This is like one of us having their house repossessed. He called Magda two days later and said how much he missed her and told her he loved her and that he wanted to be with her and he was flying back to SF. She was thrilled. He was going to fly in tonight.
He went swimming in the ocean a few days after his tent went missing. When he came out of the ocean, he hung his pants on a tree to dry. He dozed off and someone stole his pants, what’s up with these people? What’s up with Sven? This is not expected from one who spent a year hitch hiking through Africa.
Time to start toward the airport for the flight home to his love. He had a long bus ride to the airport and he put his backpack under his seat. When he went to get off the bus, his back pack was gone. Everything was missing, passport, travelers checks, clothes, everything. He made it to the German Embassy and they gave him the bad news. He could only return to Germany where it would take 6 weeks to get a new passport to use to return to the US to see his Magda. They are both feeling as if the world doesn’t want them to be together. They are devastated.
Sven and the other Magda
Some blogs ago I wrote about my friend Sven. Sven’s home for the last 10 years has been a tent. He is from East Germany and travels on a German passport. For the last 10 years he has been all over the world on 10 dollars a day. He works the summer for 2 or 3 months in Italy and then travels the world for the next 9 or 10 months. He is street wise and 3rd world wise. Last year, while traveling in India, he met a very nice Polish woman(another Magda) and they really hit it off. Sven’s Magda has been studying to be a physical therapist in the states. Sven has not been one to stay in one place for too long. He and his girlfriend have gone their separate ways 3 times as she doesn’t want to travel the world anymore. They split up again on December 18th and Sven said he was off to see the world again. Magda was crushed and felt abandoned.
Sven went to Guatamala and pitched his new tent on the beach in Belize. He went for a short walk and took a nap, and when he awoke, his tent had been stolen. This is like one of us having their house repossessed. He called Magda two days later and said how much he missed her and told her he loved her and that he wanted to be with her and he was flying back to SF. She was thrilled. He was going to fly in tonight.
He went swimming in the ocean a few days after his tent went missing. When he came out of the ocean, he hung his pants on a tree to dry. He dozed off and someone stole his pants, what’s up with these people? What’s up with Sven? This is not expected from one who spent a year hitch hiking through Africa.
Time to start toward the airport for the flight home to his love. He had a long bus ride to the airport and he put his backpack under his seat. When he went to get off the bus, his back pack was gone. Everything was missing, passport, travelers checks, clothes, everything. He made it to the German Embassy and they gave him the bad news. He could only return to Germany where it would take 6 weeks to get a new passport to use to return to the US to see his Magda. They are both feeling as if the world doesn’t want them to be together. They are devastated.
Sven and the other Magda
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thursday, December 27th 231/336 Shot #34
My daughter and my grandsons came yesterday and spent the night. M and the boys had a cookie baking lesson and they all really enjoyed it. M is 31 and the boys call her grandma, it’s hilarious. This morning we all went for the walk to the river and we all got to talk to each other. We really enjoy when they come and visit and we all have a great time. They went home about 2 today.
I caught a break today and my insanity is gone for the time being. This will probably change before too long as I just took shot # 34 and the interferon tends to whack me out Saturday to Wednesday.
I spoke with my nurse and I’m being referred for behavior evaluation. She asked me what my symptoms were and I said that I was saying things that I didn’t want to say. She asked me “like what”, and I said, “well, I told my girlfriend fuck you”. She said, “OK, I see”. I went on to mention that after that I drove to SF and holed up alone in the loft on Christmas eve. To my surprise she said, “I should have gone with you!” She asked me if I was having suicidal or homicidal thoughts and she ended the question with, "now answer this question very carefully" I said, "no". At any rate, I’m on track to be evaluated and hopefully repaired. All is well and bye for now.
I caught a break today and my insanity is gone for the time being. This will probably change before too long as I just took shot # 34 and the interferon tends to whack me out Saturday to Wednesday.
I spoke with my nurse and I’m being referred for behavior evaluation. She asked me what my symptoms were and I said that I was saying things that I didn’t want to say. She asked me “like what”, and I said, “well, I told my girlfriend fuck you”. She said, “OK, I see”. I went on to mention that after that I drove to SF and holed up alone in the loft on Christmas eve. To my surprise she said, “I should have gone with you!” She asked me if I was having suicidal or homicidal thoughts and she ended the question with, "now answer this question very carefully" I said, "no". At any rate, I’m on track to be evaluated and hopefully repaired. All is well and bye for now.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 26th 230/336
M and I had a fabulous make up and it seems as though I’m back to putting my foot in my mouth again. I am seriously considering tapping my mouth shut as I can’t control what comes out, at all. I called my treatment team and they haven’t called me back yet. Tomorrow is research day and hopefully they will respond. I am not a danger to myself but I am saying things that are zooming into my head without filtering the content. The prozac crapped out at 5 months, we doubled it, and now, five more months later, it has crapped out on me again. Time for a change as I still have a ways to go. A huge thank you to all of you who are cognizant spectators as you see a lot of things that I don’t. Bye for now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Tuesday, December 25th 229/336
Here it is Christmas day and things are looking up. Several friends and acquaintances have let it be known that I am losing it. What they don’t understand is that they won’t get any argument from me. I know it better than they do. Saint M came to my rescue this morning and drove me home, I don’t know how she puts up with me. I think I need to go into med psych next week and see about changing my meds as things are messed up in my head. The second 24 weeks have been really challenging as I am getting sicker and nuttier by the day. We have a dozen people coming in 1/2 and hour, so I’ll wish everyone well and thank you to all who have stayed by my side through My Hep C Adventure. And yes, we are working on getting M to reconsider writing her blog.

Monday, December 24, 2007
Monday, December 24th 228/336
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, December 23rd 227/336
227 days of Sick, sick, sick, day after day, week after week, month after month. I’m in the 9th round of a 12 round championship fight. Punches have been landing and I’m getting very tired of this battle I’m in. I’ll make it to the final bell and 3 months post tx the referees will declare a winner. In the mean time I choose to go it alone as I’m feeling some very hard punches coming in from outside of the ring. I have to defend myself and I need to cover up to fend off the blows. This process is very hard on a relationship and many don’t survive tx……. I guess it's that time of year again!

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 22nd 226/336
Today I was wiped out until 11:00 and then Peg and Riba went away and I caught a good day…finally! M brought me frapachino and then we went shopping for Christmas food at Whole Foods, aka whole paycheck. I sat outside with the dog on my lap and it seems that I met about 1/2 the women in Carmichael. My dog Billy is a chick magnet. M and I went home and then I took the dog for our walk to the river. When we arrived home I had received a bouquet from my property management company in Oklahoma City. I can’t help but wonder who paid for it. Ok, I’ll stop with the cynicism. I tried to book a trip on AA Business class for M and I using miles to India next October. Guess what? One or more classes of service is not available. I wonder which one it is? I’ll bet it’s Chicago to Delhi. Tomorrow I’ll try Delta. All is well and bye for now.
My drug of choice
My drug of choice

Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, December 21st 225/336
I felt better today and I got up at 8:00 and M and I drove downtown and and we had breakfast at Barnardo’s. I had a Belgium waffle and it was OK but I’m not used to eating so much. I think my stomach has shrunk and that is a very good thing. After that we went to Peet’s and got our coffee fix, I was so full that I could hardly drink it.. We went home and then I took the dog on our walk to the river and then we came home. I got hit with an exhaustion attack and was down and out for 3 hours where I could hardly move, never a dull moment on tx. I think the Prozac is back on line.
The Christmas madness continues. M had old friends call her and they agreed to meet at their house this afternoon. When she got there, they were home, but they wouldn’t answer the door. She came home very upset and I can’t say as I blame her, it was mean and rude and unnecessary. Something really gets people acting strange at this time of the year.
My friend J has da’ Hepsie and 2 years ago he was a one liver damage wise. He had a fibroscan and came back as a four(not good). Seems really strange that the damage progressed so much in such a short time. Fibroscans have a high rate of false/positive readings as they can be influenced by a number of medicines and supplements. He has a biopsy next month and that should tell the tale. I wish him the best as no one needs to do this torture. All is well and bye for now
The Christmas madness continues. M had old friends call her and they agreed to meet at their house this afternoon. When she got there, they were home, but they wouldn’t answer the door. She came home very upset and I can’t say as I blame her, it was mean and rude and unnecessary. Something really gets people acting strange at this time of the year.
My friend J has da’ Hepsie and 2 years ago he was a one liver damage wise. He had a fibroscan and came back as a four(not good). Seems really strange that the damage progressed so much in such a short time. Fibroscans have a high rate of false/positive readings as they can be influenced by a number of medicines and supplements. He has a biopsy next month and that should tell the tale. I wish him the best as no one needs to do this torture. All is well and bye for now

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, December 20th 224/336 Shot #33
I could not get out of bed this morning. M brought me coffee and dressed me and got me started around 10:00. Why is this happening?
Here’s why. To date I have ingested this huge amount of poison.
33 150mcg/.5ml syringes of PegIntron Interferon
1568 200mg Rebetol, aka Ribaviren
448 20 mg Prozac
200 500mg Tylenol
296 15mg Terazapam
224 Acyclovir
224 Prinzide
224 Tenormin
120 Antibiotics
448 I Flora
One Antibiotic IV
Two Abcess operations
Is it any wonder!!!! I feel like a walking pharmacy
Today I’m feeling a little better. Off to the river. All is well and bye for now.
Here’s why. To date I have ingested this huge amount of poison.
33 150mcg/.5ml syringes of PegIntron Interferon
1568 200mg Rebetol, aka Ribaviren
448 20 mg Prozac
200 500mg Tylenol
296 15mg Terazapam
224 Acyclovir
224 Prinzide
224 Tenormin
120 Antibiotics
448 I Flora
One Antibiotic IV
Two Abcess operations
Is it any wonder!!!! I feel like a walking pharmacy
Today I’m feeling a little better. Off to the river. All is well and bye for now.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday, December 19th 223/336
I slept forever and awoke at 10:30. This week has really been a pisser sides wise. This now rates as bad week #6. I’m going to try to focus on the positive as it does me no good to whine. I’m not sure the prozac is still working as it may have crapped out on me. I don’t have that much further to go so I’m just going to keep on keeping on. Knowing the virus has been killed is a nice reward as is knowing that I’m an early responder, so few people are. M and I are starting to plan our trip to India for next fall and it should be fun. I’m tired of winter and I can’t wait for spring when I am finished with my treatment. I hasn’t been easy but it has made me stronger and it’s given me a new appreciation for good health. I shaved my head again and I really screwed it up so I had to do it twice.
M and I and the dog walked to the river and back and then I just came home and rested. If my writing seems disjointed it is only a symptom of my fragmented mind. I read about a psychiatrist who tx’d and he checked himself into a nut ward at week 44 as he claimed to have lost his mind. I have 16 weeks to go and the tx is really staring to beat me down. Tomorrow is shot #33 and I hope it agrees with me. This week has not been fun. All is well and bye for now.
M and I and the dog walked to the river and back and then I just came home and rested. If my writing seems disjointed it is only a symptom of my fragmented mind. I read about a psychiatrist who tx’d and he checked himself into a nut ward at week 44 as he claimed to have lost his mind. I have 16 weeks to go and the tx is really staring to beat me down. Tomorrow is shot #33 and I hope it agrees with me. This week has not been fun. All is well and bye for now.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tuesday, December 18th 222/336
Today is 222. Remember “Welcome Back Cotter” which led to “Room 222”. Well, today I’m in room 222 of 336. M and I went and finished our Christmas shopping. I picked up Starbuck’s gift cards for my medical team.
We have this inside joke between us "all work and no play makes Terry a dull boy." I have observed that when I get in one of my "moods" compliments of Riba and Peg, I have an evil little twinkle in my eye like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”: ) Went to finish our Christmas shopping, we bought each other a present, M bought me a pair of Ray Bans, since she broke mine, trying to hug me, after I threatened to quit my treatment last week, (that was the distress in our household blog). And I got her Italian loafers. We are done Christmas shopping, besides a few chocolates for our neighbors we have to pick up tomorrow. All is well and bye for now.
Here's Johnny!
We have this inside joke between us "all work and no play makes Terry a dull boy." I have observed that when I get in one of my "moods" compliments of Riba and Peg, I have an evil little twinkle in my eye like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”: ) Went to finish our Christmas shopping, we bought each other a present, M bought me a pair of Ray Bans, since she broke mine, trying to hug me, after I threatened to quit my treatment last week, (that was the distress in our household blog). And I got her Italian loafers. We are done Christmas shopping, besides a few chocolates for our neighbors we have to pick up tomorrow. All is well and bye for now.
Here's Johnny!

Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 17th 221/336
I slept well and I woke up feeling groovy. These drugs have a mind of their own and they do as they please, when they please. About this time in tx you begin to doubt your sanity and you wonder if you’ll ever be the same again. My friend Derek told me at the start that “this stuff really fucks with your head”. Truer words were never spoken. I can handle the physical sides but the mental ones are another story. Confusion, brain fog and chemo brain make one wonder who you are and why you’re doing this at age 60. I hope it works as I don’t want to feel this way again. If you can do this, there isn’t much that you can’t accomplish. All is well and bye for now.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday, December 16th 220/336
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Saturday, December 15th 219/336
And the beat goes on! The last 2 nights have been light sleep as I may be resistant to the sleeping pills. I woke up in a fog and stumbled up to Starbuck’s to have coffee with David. We visited for an hour and then I hit the Bay Bridge and got on 80 for the 100 mile drive home to Carmichael. Why they let you drive on this stuff is beyond me. I don’t remember much about the drive and I must have been on auto pilot. When I got home I got sick and I slept for 3 hours on the couch. Saturdays seem to be the bad day of the week, week after week. I spent the rest of the day taking it easy and hopefully, tomorrow I'll be back in the swing of things. All is well and bye for now.
The Ralph Lauren Building, 72nd Street @ Madison Avenue, Upper East side, Manhattan
The Ralph Lauren Building, 72nd Street @ Madison Avenue, Upper East side, Manhattan
Friday, December 14, 2007
Friday, December 14th 218/336
I had some post injection reactions through the night. Two sleeping pills and sleep was still light. I got up at 10:30 and went to Starbuck’s and then I drove to Chow for lunch with Mike, Pete and Jesse, I really like those guys and they are life long friends. As I’ve said before, when you decide to tx you find out who your friends are before too long. After lunch I drove Downtown and went to the Westfield Center to buy some sunglasses as mine have broken once again. I got chemo sick and my brain froze and I decided that I need M’s help in this matter. Other things too. <(I know that’s not a sentence). I went home and crawled in bed for a few hours and got up and cancelled my dinner with Ann as I didn’t feel too good. Today I ordered a man’s necklace that I saw in NYC. It has a small skull and a feather and it’s on a black leather strap. M says that I’ve totally lost it. Well, I don’t work, the kids are long gone and I don’t have money problems so I can be who I want and act as I please. It feels good to be free. All is well and bye for now.
What is that?
What is that?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Thursday, December 13th 217/336 Shot #32
I had a very busy day yesterday. I visited with my step daughter and my beautiful grand daughter. It was a nice visit and her and I had closure on the divorce and I can tell that she is beyond judgment or blame. Amen. I did so much yesterday that I went to sleep at 9:00 and got up at 10:30. Wow, what a slug! Room and Board delivered the chair and it fits in nicely. My cell phone won’t hold a charge so I have to get a new battery.
2/3’s finished and looking back I can’t remember when I wasn’t on tx. Your body and mind adjust to the tx but the insanity and irritability remain. A woman on tx once said that it’s like PMS cubed. With me, it comes and goes. At 2/3 of the way through, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Soon, this will be over and I can hold my head up high and say I made it, thanks to M and the vast support group I have developed on the internet. All is well and bye for now.
My Hero!
2/3’s finished and looking back I can’t remember when I wasn’t on tx. Your body and mind adjust to the tx but the insanity and irritability remain. A woman on tx once said that it’s like PMS cubed. With me, it comes and goes. At 2/3 of the way through, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Soon, this will be over and I can hold my head up high and say I made it, thanks to M and the vast support group I have developed on the internet. All is well and bye for now.
My Hero!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, December 12th 216/336
It seems my insanity has passed for now. It’s ironic that Krishna chanting is supposed to be the path to enlightenment but it un-enlightened me to the point of being irrational, not unlike Chinese water torture, it sent me over to the dark side. Not a healthy place, to say the least. I’ve been over to the dark side 3 times since I started for a total of about 5 day and you don’t want to go there. I wonder what I would be like without the Prozac? Oh well, so much for side effects, now, on to the positive.
Woke up today feeling groovy with no problems. I’m off to SF at 1:30 to see my step daughter and my grand daughter. Tomorrow I take delivery on a new chair from room and board for the loft and then on Friday I have lunch with Mike. Sven and Magda are staying at the loft until the 18th and then it seems they will be going their separate ways. Sven isn’t comfortable in the US so it’s bye, bye baby. Masako may be coming too but I’m not sure. I’m going to try to see Ann & David while I’m there and I’ll return on Saturday. All is well and bye for now.
My brother's family and me
Woke up today feeling groovy with no problems. I’m off to SF at 1:30 to see my step daughter and my grand daughter. Tomorrow I take delivery on a new chair from room and board for the loft and then on Friday I have lunch with Mike. Sven and Magda are staying at the loft until the 18th and then it seems they will be going their separate ways. Sven isn’t comfortable in the US so it’s bye, bye baby. Masako may be coming too but I’m not sure. I’m going to try to see Ann & David while I’m there and I’ll return on Saturday. All is well and bye for now.
My brother's family and me
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tuesday, December 11th 215/336
Today’s blog will detail the fine art of fighting with a caregiver when one is on tx.
For the caregiver:
Tread softly, once it gets started, the interferon will win, even if it loses, it thinks it’s won. The interferon gives the hepsie fighter great strength. The drug assumes the role of professional assassin, has no conscience, and doesn’t follow the rule of logic. You aren’t fighting with the other person, you’ll be fighting with the interferon and you will know you’ve been in a fight. As Mr T from the A Team used to say, “I pity the fool”
For the Hepsie:
Here’s some tricks. The caregiver will be at a disadvantage, they will think they are fighting with you but they will be overwhelmed by the bold moves used by the interferon. They won’t understand this new ability that you have due to your meds. To end the fight, wait until the next day and stay in bed and stop eating, this will make you sicker and you will look and feel bad. Now for the secret weapon, refuse to take your pills because you’re going to stop treatment as it is clearly making you insane. This should do get you out of the dog house rather quickly and a lasting peace shall follow. All is well and bye for now.
For the caregiver:
Tread softly, once it gets started, the interferon will win, even if it loses, it thinks it’s won. The interferon gives the hepsie fighter great strength. The drug assumes the role of professional assassin, has no conscience, and doesn’t follow the rule of logic. You aren’t fighting with the other person, you’ll be fighting with the interferon and you will know you’ve been in a fight. As Mr T from the A Team used to say, “I pity the fool”
For the Hepsie:
Here’s some tricks. The caregiver will be at a disadvantage, they will think they are fighting with you but they will be overwhelmed by the bold moves used by the interferon. They won’t understand this new ability that you have due to your meds. To end the fight, wait until the next day and stay in bed and stop eating, this will make you sicker and you will look and feel bad. Now for the secret weapon, refuse to take your pills because you’re going to stop treatment as it is clearly making you insane. This should do get you out of the dog house rather quickly and a lasting peace shall follow. All is well and bye for now.

Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday, December 10th 214/336
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sunday, December 9th 213/336
Today I’m having one of those days where my grip on reality is tenuous. What’s real and what’s not? The holidays are always a little confusing for me as everyone seems to get so stressed out over money and diminished expectations. M started things off with a bang by stating that I was not to sign her name to the Christmas card that I was sending to my step-daughter and her husband; merry Christmas to you too!. The night before, M’s friend stayed the night and she paced around the house mumbling Hari Krishna for hours, totally oblivious to the effects it was having on any one else’s well being. At one point she stuck her face in the crack in our front door and mumbled Hari Krishna for another hour. She got up in the morning and didn’t pick up after herself and off she went. Her behavior sent me off the reservation and the interferon is playing tricks with my perception of reality. Is it OK to allow a brainwashed cult member to take over my house? I think not, but I can’t be sure because of the insanity of the meds. Stay tuned for more Christmas cheer on the wonder drug interferon. All is well and bye for now.

Saturday, December 08, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Friday, December 7th 211/336
Woke up tired so I went back to bed at 10:00 and got up, feeling groovy, at 12:30. Starbucks, walked the dog to the river and then came home. I spent the afternoon catching up on bills. My sponsee child in Haiti sent me a drawing so I spent a couple hours making her one and sent it to her along with a little present. M and I went to Whole Foods and did the week’s shopping and tomorrow we will by and decorate our Christmas tree. Ho, Ho, Ho!
Today I got my paycheck from Kaiser for my partcipation in the Scherring Plough study. So far I'm up to $250.00. What a change for health care, they pay you to be sick,
Magda’s teacher forgot that that she excused M for our trip to NYC. Forgot about the note we gave her and said we have to write another one as she was going to flunk her. To make matters worse she only gave her 20 minutes for the make up test. What a creep! I have felt good today so I’ll take it where I can get it. All is well and bye for now.
Greece 2002
Today I got my paycheck from Kaiser for my partcipation in the Scherring Plough study. So far I'm up to $250.00. What a change for health care, they pay you to be sick,
Magda’s teacher forgot that that she excused M for our trip to NYC. Forgot about the note we gave her and said we have to write another one as she was going to flunk her. To make matters worse she only gave her 20 minutes for the make up test. What a creep! I have felt good today so I’ll take it where I can get it. All is well and bye for now.
Greece 2002
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Thursday, December 6th 210/336 Shot #31
210 days into treatment and today I feel as though it never happened. I have had 4 great days in a row where I haven’t been tired or sick. Peg and Riba must really enjoy getting out of town. We had a really fun trip and I caught a big break the last few days. Went to bed at 11:00 and got up at 5:45 and I wasn’t tired at all. Strange brew interferon and Rebetol. Today, I am very optimistic about having the perseverance to endure another 126 days. I take my 31st shot tonight so all this will probably change tomorrow. I think that meeting with my hepsie buddies has reenergized me. It’s so great to know that there are people I can lean on who have finished and new hepsies who I can show the way. The waiting is the worst part and there are some bad times but all in all it’s been much easier than I had anticipated. And, the virus is undectable.
The flight left on time and we arrived at 12:20pm. We grabbed a cab to my loft, picked up my truck and beat it up to Carmichael to our house in the trees by the river. I did my shot with my left hand while riding in the car as I needed a thrill, isn’t it that sad that it’s come to that. I was so happy to see my dog; he’s like my kid. Unpack, bath, and bed. All is well and bye for now.
The flight left on time and we arrived at 12:20pm. We grabbed a cab to my loft, picked up my truck and beat it up to Carmichael to our house in the trees by the river. I did my shot with my left hand while riding in the car as I needed a thrill, isn’t it that sad that it’s come to that. I was so happy to see my dog; he’s like my kid. Unpack, bath, and bed. All is well and bye for now.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Wednesday, December 5th 209/336
Either he cold weather agrees with my treatment or I’m having a very good week. I have had very few sx’s the last 2 days, except for a little “Rain Man” brain fog; thank you Magda Van Brunt. I feel like I should stay another week, rather than going home tomorrow. The car will pick us up at 6:45 for an 8:45 flight out of JFK to SFO. We drive from SFO to Carmichael so M can make it to her 6:00 class. Big ass day for the kid tomorrow!
Woke up feeling hell’a groovy. Starbuck’s then M and I went to Rockerfeller Center to see the Christmas decorations and they were Fabu. I took the F train to Brooklyn and had lunch with my past workmate Myrel Glick. She was so kind, she said that none of my agents ever knew what a good thing they had going working for me until they worked for someone else. She said they all it realize now. She thanked me for so many years of an enjoyable environment. She really touched my heart. We had sushi lunch and she has sold 13 properties in a year. She is very good and works hard. Took the subway home and then M and I went to Blossom restaurant for dinner. M approved and we had a great time living the New York life style for a few days. All is well and bye NYC for now.
Self Portrait, 1976
Woke up feeling hell’a groovy. Starbuck’s then M and I went to Rockerfeller Center to see the Christmas decorations and they were Fabu. I took the F train to Brooklyn and had lunch with my past workmate Myrel Glick. She was so kind, she said that none of my agents ever knew what a good thing they had going working for me until they worked for someone else. She said they all it realize now. She thanked me for so many years of an enjoyable environment. She really touched my heart. We had sushi lunch and she has sold 13 properties in a year. She is very good and works hard. Took the subway home and then M and I went to Blossom restaurant for dinner. M approved and we had a great time living the New York life style for a few days. All is well and bye NYC for now.
Self Portrait, 1976
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Monday, December 4th 208/336
I slept for 12 hours and I feel much better today, no real sides to speak off. We took the subway to Soho and got a lot of our Christmas shopping done. Took the subway uptown and we got an express. We couldn’t get off until we were in Queens. Got off and walked across the tracks and got back on the Downtown train and got off at 53rd. We went to a Restaurant named Tao, a real see and be seen place. M hated her food so much she almost cried. $80.00 out the window. We next went to the apple store and bought some itunes gift cards. M was still hungry so we had to go back to the “never again” Candle Café. They did better this time and M was happy with the “way the food tasted on my tongue” We took a cab home and I took a little rest. M is very bored so she is coloring her hair auburn. I had a good day today, almost like the old days. The cold weather energizes me and offsets the fatigue. Tomorrow it’s off to Brooklyn to have lunch with my ole buddy Myrel Glick. All is well and bye for now.
Christina and Lamisse, my step daughters, Maui, 1998
Christina and Lamisse, my step daughters, Maui, 1998
Monday, December 03, 2007
Monday, December 3rd 207/336
I really overdid it yesterday and I paid the price today. I woke up early and out of it. All the activity and the time change and the flight left me tired and brain fogged. We went to lunch at a great little Japanese restaurant and then M and I went to Loman’s and C21 for shoes. None caught her eye. Tomorrow it’s off to Soho. We took the train to Catham, New Jersey to see my brother and his family. While we were in the station M decided that she saw a similarity between my “brain fog” behavior and that of the character played by Dustin Hoffman in “Rain man”. Ha ha, what a wit. The visit and dinner in NJ was fun and then we caught the train home at 9:00. We had another little incident at the Penn station. The conductor announced the end of the line and said for all to get off. Me and everyone else got off the train except for M. I waited and waited for her on the platform but she was not to be found. I figured that she must have taken the other door and that she would be upstairs waiting, not! I got a phone call and asked her where she was. She said that she was still on the train and the shift was changing. I screamed, “Get off the fucking train”. “But why, where are you?” Again, “Get off the fucking train, you’re going back to New Jersey, come upstairs”. She said, “I’m not doing anything until you come and get me.” “Come to the sidewalk, I don’t know where you are”. She said, “this is the last time I travel with you on this medication”. Oh yeah, “at least I had enough sense to get off the fucking train!” You can imagine the rest, “Chemo Brain” and “Polish” jokes were exchanged. Abandonment was also mentioned as one of my less admirable qualities. I can’t wait for this day to end and to go to sleep for 12 hours. All is well and bye for now
Iris(cured), TL(30 weeks undetectable) M & Jim(Non Hepsies) Laurie(starts soon) Teah(took last shot, #72 Saturday, 60 weeks undetectable)
Iris(cured), TL(30 weeks undetectable) M & Jim(Non Hepsies) Laurie(starts soon) Teah(took last shot, #72 Saturday, 60 weeks undetectable)

Sunday, December 02, 2007
Sunday, December 2nd 206/336
What a wonderful day. Got up early and walked to Starbuck’s while it was lightly snowing. Our friends called and we had lunch at a place in the lower village. New York to the max. Iris braved a four hour bus ride from Baltimore at 6:30min the morning. Teah and her twin sister took the subway from Brooklyn and Jim and Laurie drove in from Pennsylvania. It was nice to actually have face time with my internet hepsies after a year of blogging, emails and forums. After lunch we went to the Metropolitan Museum and mostly got to know each other. I love them all. M and Jim, the non hepsies, shared their experiences as caregivers. Laurie starts soon and she has nothing to worry about with Jim at her side. We all went our separate ways and M and I went to our favorite restaurant for dinner, the Candle Café. M was disappointed with the food and says she’s done, we’ll see about that. After dinner we went and saw “No Country For Old Men”. We both liked it. Tomorrow it’s shoe shopping for M and she says she’s going to buy 4 pairs, she’ll be lucky to find 1. At 4:00, we take the train to New Jersey to have dinner with my brother and his wife and my niece and nephew, very sweet kids. All is well and bye for now.
The Metropolitan Museum
The Metropolitan Museum

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Saturday, December 1st, 205/336
I had to wake up early today as it’s a fly day. M wanted me to go with her to Peet’s for coffee but I held my ground. I had to play the “I’m going to cry card” and, strange as it seems, it worked and off to Peet’s she went. This trip is going to be a lot of fun. We each bought new cold weather coats online from Paragon Sports in NYC. They are very warm and very light weight. Our friend David owns a limo company in SF and he complimented us a ride to SFO, We got free 1st class tickets from miles and we trade our loft in SF for Nigel’s loft in NYC. It’s big and funky and the price is right.
I was questioned about my peg-intron syringe at security. I said that I had sharps and he asked “What’s that?” I just said I was on chemo and I needed it. He put it through the scanner 4 times, called his super and then asked me what was around it. I said, a box and an ice pack. Off I went,
The pilot was a real stickler with the seat belt sign and I had to chance an arrest to use the rest room, The crew was understanding and I got away with my infraction. We arrive at 7:30, take the cab to the loft, and then settle in. I like flying and I don’t feel any worse from my tx. Like I told my GP, Mary Pat Pauly, I can be tired on the couch or on a plane or in NYC, it doesn’t matter where I am, I’m still going to be tired so I have decided to power through and make the best of it. Tomorrow is the Hepsie lunch and it should be a lot of fun. We’re meeting with Tea Star Witch, who takes her 72nd and last shot tonight, Uncertain, who has treated and is now cured, and Laurie, who takes her first jab next week; I’m in for 30 weeks out of 48. I’d rather not do this but there is a lot of data out showing age 65 as the age when the Hepsie really takes over and destroys one’s liver. I guess that’s why my other GP said I had 4 or 5 years before I got in trouble. Let’s hope it woks, so far, so good, I think I’m around 65% for a permanent cure based on my EVR(early viral response) at 8 weeks. That’s up from 45% at the start. All is well and bye for now.
Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, 1998
I was questioned about my peg-intron syringe at security. I said that I had sharps and he asked “What’s that?” I just said I was on chemo and I needed it. He put it through the scanner 4 times, called his super and then asked me what was around it. I said, a box and an ice pack. Off I went,
The pilot was a real stickler with the seat belt sign and I had to chance an arrest to use the rest room, The crew was understanding and I got away with my infraction. We arrive at 7:30, take the cab to the loft, and then settle in. I like flying and I don’t feel any worse from my tx. Like I told my GP, Mary Pat Pauly, I can be tired on the couch or on a plane or in NYC, it doesn’t matter where I am, I’m still going to be tired so I have decided to power through and make the best of it. Tomorrow is the Hepsie lunch and it should be a lot of fun. We’re meeting with Tea Star Witch, who takes her 72nd and last shot tonight, Uncertain, who has treated and is now cured, and Laurie, who takes her first jab next week; I’m in for 30 weeks out of 48. I’d rather not do this but there is a lot of data out showing age 65 as the age when the Hepsie really takes over and destroys one’s liver. I guess that’s why my other GP said I had 4 or 5 years before I got in trouble. Let’s hope it woks, so far, so good, I think I’m around 65% for a permanent cure based on my EVR(early viral response) at 8 weeks. That’s up from 45% at the start. All is well and bye for now.
Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, 1998

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