Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday, July 17th 69/336

Today was the day, back on the bike trail. While I was riding, I thought, I'm in a 15 round boxing match and I've just come out for the 4th round. Round 3 was tough and Peg and Riba landed some good punches. I've rested between rounds and decided that they can knock me down but they can't knock me out. So off we ride into the wild blue yonder. Did I want to ride, no. Just do it! So do it I did. 15 miles over hill and dale. Toughest day yet but I made it. I have put Peg and Riba back in their cage one more time. We do battle often but I will not let them win. Them and I toghether against the Dragon. Off to cultural diversity class. Bye for now.

Bridge Shadow on the Bay, 2002

1 comment:

TeaStarWitch said...

Go for It, Terry, go for it! I know you can win!