Woke up today feeling tired but things improved. Magda and I went to Starbuck's and I ordered my new drink, wet Cappachino is out and Vanilla Frappachino is in. This came about due to the mouth sores I had last week. I must say, at least one thing good came out of it.
Great news! I got a solid A final in my Art history class. This really mattered to me because it shows me that I can rise above the brain fog and memory loss I experience from the Interferon.
More good news! I got a check from Kaiser for $125.00 for my participation in weeks 0-4 in the Scherring Plough trial. The hits keep coming. Tx is free and they pay me to boot.
After Starbuck's, Magda and I went to Bannister Park and walked a mile down to the American River and then the mile back up the hill. When we came to M's car, thieves had smashed in the driver's side window. Fortunately, M had locked her purse in the trunk. Oh well, shit happens. I guess I can always blame it on Ross or Martin, but i'm sure they'll have made up an iron clad alibi. Bye for now.
The Little Blue Church, Big Island, Hawaii, 2000
It looks like all of the $$$ you are getting from the study can pay your car insurance deductible for the broken windshield. Did you feel the earthquake? Not that you'd notice, you're probably used to them all the time.
I didn't feel the quake as I'm 100 miles away in Sacramento. Anything under 5 is a joke
Hang in there. If you feel like sleeping go and sleep. I made a mistake by fighting fatigue and could not win the battle.
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