I took my dog and my newspaper to the park, where I drank my frappachino from Starbuck's and read the paper and did the jumble and the crossword puzzle. If I can solve these 2 puzzles, I consider my brain intact. if I can't, I tell everyone that I have a case of the "stupids". In fairness to myself, it must be pointed out that the crossword puzzle gets harder every day until friday when it gets really hard. I get the "stupids" a lot toward the end of the week, but not today, ha ha!
I've decided thart if I'm cured of this disease 6 months post treatment, I'm going to tattoo my other arm in big red letters that says "Undetectable HVC" Bye for now.
Greek Door, Isle of Lesvos, 2003

I called it "Groundhog Day - The HCV Treatment Movie." And depending on your pain threshold, you may want your tattoo to just read "HCV Free" - less letters, same message!
Tattoos on you shoulder don't really hurt too much. It's the ones near the bone that are painful. I was thinking of doing Ross's medal
Not the greasy sausage, I hope - maybe the 48 week treatment hero or the HCV Undetectable?
Terry, if you get a tattoo you also might get a "get one free" thingy along with it -- another HCV! or even worse -- HIV!
As far as you are clear of all the V-s don't take a risk.
If you still have an itch of getting a tattoo go ask your neighbours' kids where to get a smilly face "cool tattoos", I think it might be in a lollypop or some chewing gum! LOOOOOOL
Good luck
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