Saturday, July 07, 2007

Saturday, July 7th 59/336

This treatment never ceases to amaze me. Today I feel as good as I have ever felt in my life and I just had my shot. To celebrate, I added 5 miles to my bike ride and that took it up to 20 miles. It wasn't so easy at the end but I made it home with no problem. I had to rest for an hour and I don't know if it was from the ride or the meds. I'm guessing it was the ride

I've been having a lot of thoughts as of late that seem to pop up out of nowhere. The yellow jacket that stung me when I was in Poland, stuff like that.

I also went through the events leading up to my resigning form the San Francisco Fire Department in 1990 after 13 years of service. I think what triggered it is the medical care I'm getting. I get my health insurance paid for by the City for the rest of my life. I really lucked out on that one. When I left, they offered me 55K to opt out of the pension and the health plan. I'm so glad I didn't as the pension and the health benefits are now worth $25K a year.

Why did I leave? A lot of reasons. My real estate company was getting huge. I had a call one day where a citezen had a heart attack and as he went down, he broke the shower door and slid to the ground. The glass was 1/4" thick and it sliced his arm off through the shoulder blade. When I arrived the place was a mess and the family was screaming hysterically. When I went in the bathroom I saw why. He was armless on the ground and the blood was 2" thick piled up like pudding. A cop came in the room and we just looked at each other and I said, "I've got to quit this job".

The next week I responded to a gunshot wound in the public housing projects. When I walked into the room there was blood and brains all over the wall. A mother had grabbed her 2 year old and hugged her. As she held the child, she stuck a 44 magnum into her mouth (mother) and pulled the trigger. When I arrived the child was still in her arms and she knew what had happened. I'll never forget the look of terror in that child's eyes.

That night, I called my ex wife and I said, "I'm coming home and I won't be going back, I can't handle another day of this bullshit" I don't know why I had to write this, I just know that I did. Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

OMG, T, I just can't imagine. I couldn't ever do a job where you had to come face to face with those kinds of horrors all the time. I'm so glad that at least you got the pension/insurance from the experience. You've got to focus on the positive, right?

Glad you were feeling so great today and was able to get some miles in.

Thinking of you & sending a big hug, buddy....xxxx, d

Anonymous said...

um - 'cuse the typo. Brain and fingers not on the same page - WERE able to get some miles in...yay :)

TeaStarWitch said...

Oh My God!!!!!!!! That's terrible! Mother killed her daughter? Did she?
All this horror comes to your mind because of treatment. I had same problems, I would think about sad stuff, I could not do otherwise.
Be strong!