Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sunday, July 15th 67/336

Hi, we just got back from SF and we had a good time despite all of my disabilities. We went out to dinner to Houston's with my brother and Magda's friend Magda, what about that, 2 Magdas. My mouth is still extremely sore with probably 20 canker sores. Very frustrating. This morning we went to Tibouron for breakfast at the New Morning Cafe with David and Jimmy. That's the best breakfast restaurant in the world. After breakfast, we went to David's house and saw his girlfriend Ann. Ann had a new purse, on sale , from Zara's. So of course, we have to drive all the way back to SF to check out Zara's sale. 1/2 an hour later, Magda came out empty handed. Women are so cute! Bye for now

Bumper Cars, Santa Cruz, 1979


Laurie said...

I so happy to see that you're doing so well.
It's sooo cool that your Undetectable!

I've been reading your blog for a little while now but I can't seem to find which Geno Type you have. Would you mind very much if I ask?

Thank you,

Terry Lee said...

I'm Geno type 1A

Anonymous said...

Hey T - hearing about all you did in SF w/all you got going on is amazing. You inspire me, dude!

TeaStarWitch said...

LOOOOOOOOL I already was at Zara's sale, bought some stuff but not on sale. Empty handed, that's what I do sometimes too. Very familiar situation. Hi to Magda!