Great day today. Magda and I rode the bikes from our house to Sac State and back with a stop at Peet's Coffee along the way. I made my weekly goal of bike riding by doing 65 miles this week. Treatment has been good to me so far and I'm grateful that being the case as it's transitioning me from couch potato( aka Fattiepie) to dedicated biker. All of the other people in my study are suffering moderate to severe side effeects. A few are saying they're going to quit, but I doubt they will. I take shot #4 tonight @ 8:00 so we'll see how things go. I start summer school on Tuesday and I'm taking Art History 1B(1500-Present). Off to dinner at a very good vegaterian restaurant then shot time. Bye for now.
Shirley Lucci & Parents, Al & Ella 1969
You know, I don't think I'm having such bad sides :) Mine have mostly compounded from other things. At first, my pre-existing sinus/allergies causing severe headache/nauseau (but could have also been adjusting to the meds - who knows...but it's subsided and that's good :) AND now adjusting to the darned anti-depressant. I've dose reduced those and changed the timing and now am feeling a little better. But the interferon and ribas only seem to be giving me the usual fatigue - nothing out of the ordinary.
Who in our study is feeling like quitting??? I hadn't heard that from anyone?
I'm told there are a couple in my group who are complaining quit alot about the tx being intolerable. As far as the AD's go. my experience is as follows. I was first prescribed Celexa which is made by the same people and quite similar to Lexapro. I had sx's for 10 days and then none and then at 18 days I got seriously sick from it. Dizzy, fever, fatigue, aches etc. I had to quit it. Next tried Prozac and that worked well with no sides, I love the stuff. Congrats on the managable sides, sounds as though your body is getting used to and tolerating the meds. Here's wishing us and easy ride forward.
I'm going to ask my dr about the prozac...will let ya know what he says. I'm all for feeling good!!! I'm encouraged that although the first didn't work for you, the prozac worked great w/no sides. i'm wanting to switch rather than keep enduring these sides. Have a clenched jaw and in fact all my muscles feel tense...causing a really bad tension headache tonight. I know it's the lexapro. yuck! hugs,
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