Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday, May 18th 9/336

Shot #2 was last night and it came and went without any changes except that today, the interferon appears to have taken the edge off the rebetol so that I'm not running around like a meth head all the time. I actually feel quite normal.

I went to the park and walked the 2.5 mile loop with my dog and Magda. The company I sold 15 months ago has been re-sold to Coldwell Banker Real Estate, something about the partners not seeing eye to eye. Oh well, I did mention that running a real estate company wasn't as easy as it looks.

Today I have been drawing a large feather in pencil, on 24" x 30" paper. I'm really enjoying it. love ya, mean it. Bye for now

Work in Progress


Not Blank said...

I'm beginning to think you were an undiagnosed whizzy before you began treatment!

Terry Lee said...

No way, I had 2 speeds, slow and stop. There has definately been a change:-)