Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday, May 14th 5/336

It's nice to be in SF. I lived here for 58 years and I've seen a good many changes over time. When I was a kid, the movies were a quarter and there were a few wooden sidewalks left down by the Ferry building. As a child, I used to ride my bike into North Beach and ride along the railroad tracks that ran by the loading dock of an old brewery. After I lived in my loft for a few years, I realized that I was living in the loading dock that I rode by as a kid. The tracks had been replaced by a sidewalk and the brewery had been converted into condos with the 6 loading docks converted into 3 lofts.

Today I registered for 1 class in summer school at Sac State. Hopefully, I'll be able to pass the tests during the course. So far, so good. I had a busy day today and will do the same tommorrow. After dinner, it's back home to Sacramento.

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