Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday, May 19th 10/336

Woke up today feeling groovy. Had a bagel, a yogurt, 3 Rebetols, a cappuchino, and a prozac. I've started taking 3 Rebes in the morning and 4 at night based on the fact that Magda learned in her Nuero-science class that the body absorbs medication much more effectively during sleep.

Yesterday was the day after the shot day and I felt a little less peppy than usual. No aches, no chills, no fever, no fatigue, just a little malaise. Well that was yesterday, and today I am ready to rock and roll. I went on my 15 mile bike ride with Magda and her ex-husband and really kicked it out. I'm going to try to set a goal of 60 miles a week on the bike, 2 walking days and a day at the gym for as long as I am able.

I'm always amazed at how people interact with their ex-spouses. On one hand, my ex-wife of 20 years hates my guts to the grave, while, Magda's ex-husband and I are best friends. Very strange indeed, I guess it has to do with one's emotional maturity. Bye for now.


Not Blank said...

Hope the ribas don't keep you awake at night - wait a minute - you're on 7 a day? 1,400 mg? That's very high. Did I read that right - must look at it again.

Terry Lee said...

I was lucky enough to be 1 pound into the 1400 zone. I offered to take off my clothes so I could get 1200 but they didn't think that was funny so, 1400 it is. I take a sleeping pill and sleep well.

Not Blank said...

OK, if you lose a pound, let them drop you to 1,200/day.

TeaStarWitch said...

Terry, you are an amazing person that's why the ex-husband is your friend. Probably he is good too (Takes 2 for friendship)
I'm glad you are doing good.