Friday, May 04, 2007

Scherring-Plough Protease Inhibitor Trial Arms

When I go to start treatment on May 10th, they will tell me which arm of the study I'm in. It's all hush-hush until then. These are the possibilities:

arm 1 - (control arm) - PegIntron/Rebetol for 24 wks. After 24 weeks and if you are undectable, you'll continue the same for 24 more weeks. If the virus is still detectable, they add in the boceprevor (aka SCH 503034) to the above combo for 24 more wks. Total treatment may be up to 54 wks depending on the time it takes to get the virology results from the treatment wk 24 visit.

arm 2 - PegIntron/Rebetol AND Boceprevor (aka SCH 503034) for 28 wks

arm 3- PegIntron/Rebetol for 28 wks, Boceprevor (aka SCH 503034) for 24 wks, added after 4 wks of combo.

arm 4- PegIntron/Rebetol AND Boceprevor (aka SCH 503034) for 48 wks

arm 5 - PegIntron/Rebetol for 48 wks, Boceprevor (aka SCH 503034) for 44 wks, added after 4 wks of combo.

Arm 2 is my first wish, followed by Arm 3, Arm 4, and Arm 5. Last choice is Arm 1, the control Arm. If I am selected for Arm 1, it won't be the end of the world, but I have my fingers crossed for Arm 2 or 3 because of the shorter length of treatment. I'm getting a little nervous as the day draws near. I've had to quit school 2 weeks early, but my teachers have been great. I think I'll get B's instead of A's but that's OK. Bye for now.


Not Blank said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get into the arm you want to be in! All the best to you.

Ample said...

Found your site through Teastar's. In a trail study I see. Wow. I look forward to hearing how it goes and which arm you get.... 5 arms.... now that's a funny image. I see you're in art school. I'd like to see how you express this journey.

Good luck to you. You'll do great :)

TeaStarWitch said...

Hopefully you'll get to the arm you want. Anyway I wish you all the best in any arm.
BTW I'll be in San Francisco on Friday for a week. : )

Elizabeth Anne said...

Don't let my bad start scare you, I just have a touchy stomach. I wish you all the best and I'll be following along and seeing how you do.

Anonymous said...

Me, too, Terry - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get an arm you want. Control arm, I've decided, might not be a bad thing either :) If it works (which you know it has a 40% chance) we won't have to even take the new drug. :) Whichever you get, just go get 'em and knock it outa here!

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best. I hope you get the arm that you want. Good Luck, I love you, stay healthy, and happy.

