I Went to the GI today before I went to the IV. The GI took one look at the abcess and said, "you're going to surgery. When I got to surgery I met the prettiest young woman who couldn't have been a surgeon for more than 10 minutes. She shot the abcess with pain killer 5 times and then cut a lot of it out. The pain was way worse than when I had kidney stones. The good news is that they switched the antibiotics yet again and I don't have to have any more IV's. I came home and went to bed. I have switched my shot back to Thursday and I just did it. So, today I have had 19 pills, a shot of interferon, and surgery. Brother is doing better. Bye for now.
Greek Door, 2002
"Worse than a kidney stone?" I couldn't even imagine anything worse than that. I hope you're on the mend finally.
Terry, you're my hero! I hope I'll never have to go through something like that...
Also, beautiful photo today!
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