Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday, September 9th 122/336

Magda's parents are here for Chicago for the night and then tomorrow they are off to SF. I have developed yet another infection and I think it might be making me sicker. The Ribavire\an destroyes one's Hemoglobin, White blood cell count, and Platlets, all of which leaves me open to infections.

My friends Jonathan and Gretchen came home from a 4 month world wide trip and they were the victims of the "fake bird poop" scam in Barcelona. Pickpockets drop a bunch of cat shit on you from above and then help you clean up, as they do, they pick your wallet. Bye for now.

Ex Wife, Mazatlan, 1978


Not Blank said...

How's your WBC and ANC? If those are low, that could be why you're picking up infections.

Terry Lee said...

WBC 2.31
ANC .9ee

Terry Lee said...

WBC 2.31
ANC .9