Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday, September 30th 143/336

Today all of my running around SF like the social butterfly I am has finally caught up with me. I had to sleep on the couch from 9:00 to 1:00. The only side today is moderate fatigue so I'm a happy camper. I took it slow and easy today. Tomorrow is October and it is one of my favorite times of the year. Today they had open house at the loft and they had 20 people with 2 interested parties. Maybe we can sell it after all, although I don't mind keeping it. My hair has gotten very sparse, doesn't grow and what's left is changing to blond. Time to give my self another haircut. All in all, things are groovy and I'm happy-go Prozac!

Ginza, Egypt, 2005


Not Blank said...

If you traded the camel for the lovely lady on the left, you got a great deal!

Terry Lee said...

Actually, the camel jockey offered me 20 camels for her but I turned him down

TeaStarWitch said...

They say hair will come back to normal in some cases, don't worry about it